Wednesday, July 30, 2008

SEAL America -- Day 208

SEAL America -- Event Thirty

Helena, Montana

TV Coverage: CBS Affiliate KXLH-25 covered the Montana Seal America Event. Our favor with the media continues to grow, and all of it has been positive. If you have contacts with the media of any kind, please tell them about SEAL Aemrica -- everyone needs to know about this historic campaign to bless America.

Holy Spirit Timing: SEAL America was in Wyoming during Frontier Days, and in Montana during the Stampede Rodeo Event. We will be in South Dakota during the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally. God 's timing is perfect!

Be Part of the Solution: You can help SEAL God's blessings upon America. Forward the SEAL America link to all your contacts. They need to know about this Historic Campaign to cover America with the Liquid Love of Jesus, from sea to shining sea.