Thursday, July 17, 2008

SEAL America -- Day 195

SEAL America -- Event Twenty-Eight
Denver, Colorado

Wherefore Jesus also, that he might sanctify the people with his own blood, suffered without the gate. (Heb 13:12)

Once, kings sat at judgement at the gate of the city, and criminals were punished outside of the gates. Jesus, the King of Kings, was taken outside of the gates of the city, and punished as a criminal. Today, as we celebrated the Body and the Blood of Christ, Jesus was invited back to the gate of the city.

Today, there are many who try to keep Jesus outside of the gates of the city. Saturday, we invited Jesus into the gate of Colorado -- the Colorado State House. Think about what this means.

If you've been following SEAL America, then you know that we are on schedule -- twenty eight capitols have been consecrated in the past twenty eight weeks. It is impossible to measure the importance that these communion services are having upon America.

My wife, Loretta, flew to Denver to participate in the historic, Colorado Communion Service. We were also joined by Linda and Don, from Tulsa, by Lisa Crump, of the National Day of Prayer, and by believers and intercessors from Colorado.

Twenty-eight states have been joined by the blood of Jesus. In just twenty-three weeks all of the State Capitols of America will have been joined by the Blood of Jesus. These dry bones will live again!

Join with us in communion from your home, or church, every Saturday morning. 2008 is our year of National Communion.

If you are an intercessor, contact us right away. We will enroll you on our special intercessors list, and we will begin sharing prayer requests and prayer reports with you.

If you have contacts in Wyoming or Montana, please tell them about SEAL America, ASAP.

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