Thursday, October 30, 2008

SEAL America -- Day 304

Watch Ambassador Huggins -- Live, from Boston (Reading, MA). Pastors Jonathan and Verna Del Turco have invited Ambassador Huggins to ministers, again, at International Family Church. View the service live at 10:30 AM (EST), or view whenever you want with on-demand video:

LIVE TV COMMUNION -- Saturdays, 7:00 PM (CST). Walk in Victory! You and your loved ones are welcome to join Ambassador for a live communion service, every Saturday night:

COUNTDOWN TO DC (Fewer than 51 days). Make plans to join us in Washington DC for the SEAL America Victory Rally and National Communion Service, Dec 19, 20. (REGISTER)

Monday, October 27, 2008

SEAL America -- Day 299

SEAL America -- Week Forty-Three
Augusta, Maine

"As goes Maine, so goes the Nation." That's what they say. We say this, the Augusta event was special in every aspect. People who did not know about the SEAL America Campaign were drawn to the communion event and joined with those who had known about the event. Although there were different groups represented, and many of them had never before met, the sense of unity was immediate and tangible. No one felt insecure of unaccepted. Proof that American Christians can be united -- especially through the Blood of Jesus (Read Daniel's Report).

We stood in solidarity, broke bread, and lifted the Cup of Blessings above Maine, and the USA. Local pastors helped with the service, and everyone enthusiastically participated with singing, praying, and laying hands on the State House. Afterwards most said this was the most important communion they had ever experienced, and that it exceeded their expectations in every way. Many said they will attend the Boston Communion Service next week, and also the Washington DC rally and communion, December 19, 20.

Pastors David and Celeste Rodgers werer our host pastors, and they invited us to minister in their church Resurrection Life, Sunday morning. We were treated royally and given a standing return invitation.

Countdown to Washington: If you plan to join us in Washington DC for the final, Christmas Communion Celebration at the Capitol, and Victory Rally, you need to make plans now. For more information call 1-888-NEW-MOVE, or visit

View the Washington Video:

Tuesday, October 21, 2008



Watch this video to find our how to join me for live communion

THE NEW MOVE -- Live Interactive Web TV

Join me for Communion, Saturdays, 7:00 PM (CST). I'll be broadcasting from the Ministry Motor Coach -- Augusta ME, Boston MA, Providence RI... etc.

SEAL America TV is interactive -- you can call, chat or skype if you have questions or comments. Get your responses, live, over the air.

Please send these links to all your friends and family.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

SEAL America -- Day 292

SEAL America -- Week Forty-two
Concord, New Hampshire

New Hampshire has been sealed by the Blood of Jesus. A dedicated group of Christians assembled on the steps of the New Hampshire State House. It was a beautiful October day -- perfect for a historic communion service.

Unity: Pastor Tom Petes shared the word concerning the bread, emphasizing the unity of the body of Christ, and America's need to be united in Christ.

America appears to be divided. However, we believe that America's best days are yet ahead. Since last January, we have traveled throughout this vast land, calling believers together, to lift the cup of blessings above our capitols. We have only eight states remaining, plus Washington DC. Soon, all of America will be covered with the Blood of Jesus -- literally.

The stage is being set for a great move of the Spirit. God always speaks from his glory, above the blood, above the mercy seat, in the Holy of Holies. Expect reevival to come to your church. Expect an awakening to come to your state. Expect American Christians to stand up and speak out. This is our time to shew forth the praises and the power of God.

Have you made plans to be at the Washington DC National Communion Event? You need to be a part of this historic gathering. Go to to find out more about the Christmas Communion Celebration at the Capitol, and to register. Or call 1-888-NEW-Move.

The New Move -- join our live, interactive, internet TV program, Saturdays at 7:00 PM (CST):
You can ask questions by phone, chat or Skype, and get your answers on the air. There are other people, like you, who are not just complaining -- they are willing to be part of the solution.

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Saturday, October 11, 2008

SEAL America -- Day 285

SEAL America -- Week Forty-One

Montpelier, VT

A beautiful day and a beautiful event: We applied the livid, luminous, liquid love of God to the Vermont State House. This blessings of God have been forever sealed upon this state and all its people. New Hampshire is next.

Watch THE NEW MOVE, every Saturday, 7:00 PM (CST):

Countdown to Washington! Join us in Washington for our SEAL America Victory Rally and the Christmas COmmunion at the Capitol, December 19, 20.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

SEAL America -- DAY 278

SEAL America -- Event Forty
Albany, NY

Albany was the second capitol in SEAL America's final, eleven-state sweep through the remaining North Atlantic States, as we head towards our final celebration event in Washington DC.

We have only seventy-four days remaining in our historic campaign to seal God's blessings upon every state house in the USA this year. Call your friends in New England and encourage them to join us on the steps of their capitols (see website for dates:

Let's put "Christ" back in Christmas, this year. Join us in Washington DC for our celebration events, December 19--20, 2008.

SEAL America -- DAY 278

SEAL America -- Event Forty
Albany, NY

Rev. Daniel Rouse walks towards the New York State Capitol in Albany, NY, today, for SEAL America event number forty. It was a beautiful Autumn day -- perfect for sealing God's blessings upon New York State.

We had extradinary, intecessory prayer. However, it was not a travailing prayer -- it was a rejoicing, victorious prayer. We expect to experience a second great awakening in New York.


We had a great live Internet TV show, tonight. New viewers joined us from Michigan, Oklahoma, and New Jersey. They were very active in the chat room -- sending messages to one another and to Ambassador Huggins and Reverend Rouse. Mrs. Huggins and two pastor-friends linked with us by phone from California. It was a great show.

If you have not joined us yet, join us every Saturday at 7:00 PM (CST), for THE NEW MOVE -- LIVE!


Plan your trip to Washington, Now. Let's put "Christ" back into Christmas...

-- December 19, 7:00 PM -- Victory Rally -- Special guests and special speakers
-- December 20, 11:23 AM -- Christmas Communion at the Capitol -- SEAL America Mass-Choir with Rev. Doyle Tucker and guest artists

Call: 1-888-NEW-MOVE
Register online:

SEAL America -- DAY 271

SEAL America -- Event Thirty-Nine
Harrisburg, PA

Mrs. Huggins and Rev. Tucker flew to Baltimore, Maryland, to Join Ambassador Huggins for the Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, communion event. Mrs. Huggins co-chairs the Washington DC, SEAL America, Steering Committee.

Make plans to join us for our final Victory Rally and National Communion Service, December 19 & 20, in Washington DC. Call: 1-888-NEW-MOVE, or register online:

Mrs. Huggins will be ministering in Fairfield, CA, October 2-5. Call for information: 1-888-NEW-MOVE

Watch Ambassador Huggins and friends on THE NEW MOVE -- LIVE! Saturdays at 7:00 PM (CST):

SEAL America -- Day 271

SEAL America -- Event Thirty-Nine
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania

Rev Doyle Tucker joined Ambassador and Mrs. Huggins for the Harrisburg, SEAL America communion service. Rev Tucker, and Ambassador and Mrs. Huggins also met with the Washington DC steering Committee, in Baltimore, to plan the Washington DC Event.

Rev. Tucker, a life-long friend and associate of Ambassador Huggins, is one of the most anointed psalmists to walk the earth. He will be organizing and leading the SEAL America Mass-choir, which will present a medley of Patriotic Hymns and Christmas Songs. This year, the Christmas at the Capitol National Communion Service will put "Christ" back into Christmas.

Join us in Washington DC, for our evening victory rally, December 19, and our celebratory National Communion Service, at 11:23 AM, Saturday, December 20, 2008. Call 1-888-NEW-MOVE, or register online:

Watch Ambassador Huggins and friends on THE NEW MOVE -- LIVE! -- Saturdays at 7:00 PM (CST)

SEAL America -- Day 267

SEAL America -- Week Thirty-Eight
The Harvest Show -- LeSEA Broadcasting Network
South Bend, Indiana

Pete Sumrall, the Principal of The LeSEA Network interviewed Ambassadotr Huggins on the Harvest Show. The interview was broadcast worldwide via satellite and the internet. Ambassador Huggins gave the Harvest Show audience an update on the progress of the historic, SEAL America Campaign, and a forecast of the final three months of the campaign, leading up to the Christmas at the Capitol Communion Celebration in Washington DC, December 20, 2008.

You are welcome to attend the final communion service in Washington DC. Make plans to be with us for a rally on Friday night, December 19, and the National Communion service, presented by Ambassador Huggins and administered by Christian leaders, plus the SEAL America Mass-choir directed by Reverend Doyle Tucker. For information call 1-888-NEW-MOVE, register online at

Be sure to watch THE NEW MOVE, LIVE! an interactive internet TV program with Ambassador Huggins and friends, Saturedays, 7:00 PM (CST):