Friday, February 29, 2008

SEAL America -- Day 61

Teamwork: I'm especially proud of our Tulsa Team. When we launched SEAL America, two months ago, we didn't have an office. Having lived and worked overseas, for several years, we found it worked better for our minstry to outsource as much as possible: attorney, accountant, call and mail center, and so forth. Then the SEAL America assignment came from heaven, and we discovered we needed to ramp up.

I was on the road with SEAL America, so my wife, Loretta, opened our new headquarters in Tulsa. It took her only a few weeks to get the space, have it built out, furnished, and equipped with a computer network, office machines and a file storage system.

Daniel Rouse came abord to be our Campaign Director, and he has recruited several enthusiastic volunteers, such as Jeremy, Nathaniel and Lily (photo).

Seal America is a campaign, in the true sense of the word. We move forward constantly, the ground changes under us constantly, and unexpected opportunities and situations come our way from momen to moment. It takes a young, sharp team with a real sense of mission to handle this kind of cutting-edge ministry.

Likewise, we have cells of volunteers in different states: Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio, Tennessee, Nevada, California. Of course we use the internet to communicate, and we are learning new ways to use the Internet. You can be a volunteer. Just click on our website and go to the volunteer sign up page, or call 1-888-NEW-MOVE and say, "I want to volunteer."

SEAL America -- Day 60

Columbia, North Carolina: Since we arrived on Wednesday, we have worked day and night. Our workload is multiplying fast.

When I was a teenager, I lived in South America. One evening several of us young poeple were on the beach, standing beside an outdoor theatre (we had just seen Tiko y el Tiburon -- in French, with Spanish subtitles). Our conversation stopped when we heard a rumbling that sounded like distant thunder. But it wasn't thunder. It doesn't rain in Southern Peru.

As we peered northward, up the coastal desert along the Pan American Highway, we could see a wave coming towards us. It wasn't a wave in the ocean. It was a wave in the ground! An earthquake was coming. The ground rose and fell as several waves passed under us. Then it was still again.

I sense something on the Horizon, coming towards us. It's a ground swell. I feel that Seal America will soon become more than we anticipated. Life in America is about to change. Let's continuing praying, working, and doing what we can do to tell people about the NEW MOVE.

Monday, February 25, 2008

SEAL America -- DAY 56

Raleigh, North Carolina -- We had a powerful Communion Event in North Carolina. Each person had a special story as to how the Holy Spirit guided them to the State House last Saturday. We thank God for everyone, especially Diane Daggerheart and Linda Stone.

We were strangers when we arrived, but not when we left. We held hands, prayed, sang songs, made declartations, prayed for rain (it rained the next day), laid our hands on the State House, and prayer-walked around the Capitol Building. The Spirit of Unity was palapable.

Think! We are going to repeat these communion-events in every Capitol in the USA. We are lThis has never been done in the history of America. We are literally covering America with the Blood of Jesus, from the mountains to the oceans white with foam.

We have already driven four-thousand miles, and held services in eight Capitols. There are forty-three capitols remaining, between now and December 20th -- 303 days from now. Much has happened in a brief time. God knows what He has in store for us. I am certain Spiritual Awakening is imminant. The Lord has promised, "The glory of the latter house shall be greater than the former house."

Follow this link to read an article about the Raleigh SEAL America event, written by Steve Eastmen, Senior Editor of

Take a moment to view a few testimonies from the Raleigh Event (see sidebar -- right).
Also, look at the Raleigh images, below.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

SEAL America -- Day 54

Images from the SEAL America Campaign -- Raleigh, NC Posted by Picasa

Thursday, February 21, 2008


"Seal America rally here in Nashville was really awesome. There were about 200 folks at the rally... Glory to God… He brought in a whole new battalion!!! The service was casual… a few stirring songs, a few remarks to welcome and to focus on Jesus, communion and prayer.. it lasted about one hour. I hope you are able to connect the two efforts…. That will really be powerful!!!"

(National day of Prayer -- South Central National Area Leader to North Central National Area Leader)

Tuesday, February 19, 2008


Making the most of a minor delay. We set up our temporary office at Knoxville, Barnes & Noble, while waiting on Motor Coach repairs.

Seal America is a noble and historic cause, worth every sacrifice we make. I encourage you to invest in the blessing.

(posted by cell phone)


Seal America Nashville was a joy. What a wonderful day! Tim and I are sending out information to our friends and family in RI and WA state - we hope to have some contact information for you very soon. I did check the website and did not see when you would be in Providence, RI. We see that Olympia is scheduled for June 14th Cyndi -- Tennessee


I was there with you guys in Nashville this past Saturday I am one of the many that came from Faith Outreach Church in Clarksville, TN and yes it was an amazing event, thank you for what you are doing and thank God for you guys.Does Mrs. Huggins have a blog? Maybe one day when you guys go back to Mexico I can come visit, that is actually my real home :)May God continue to bless you guys and give you the strenght you need to continue with this great cause, you will be in my prayers. Jasmine -- Tennessee

SEAL America -- Day 50

"The Solution's in the cup!" Let's not misplace our trust, and let's not wait until Novermber to claim back our nation. What America needs has already been paid for, by Jesus -- it's in the cup.

Everything we need can be reconciled to the Cup of Blessings: Salvation is in the cup; Revival is in the Cup; Forgiveness is in the cup; Access to the Father is in the cup; Sonship is in the cup; Deliverance is in the cup; Authority is in the cup; Prosperity is in the cup; Healing is in the cup; Longevity is in the cup... It's all in the Cup!

Here is a simple equation: If Jesus died for us to have our inheritance, then we should live to enjoy it (if He didn't pay for it, then we don't need it). Don't be robbed of your birthright. Find out what belongs to you and lay claim to it.

It is significant that believers are gathering at the State Houses to have communion: We are exalting God above the State. We are reclaiming our country, and remembering that our blessings are sealed by nothing less than the Blood of the Lamb. Like Gideon, we are reclaiming the high places. Like david, we are felling the giants. Like Abraham, we are building an altar. Like Jacob, we are erecting a pillar. Like Moses, we are marking the house. Like Joshua, we are circling Jericho. Like the Early Chruch, we are breaking bread from house to house, and continuing in the Apostles doctrine.

You can break bread with us: Assemble you family, your friends, or your fellow-believers, every Saturday, and have communion with us -- right where you are. Some are meeting in churches, some at court houses, and some are meeting in homes. This year we are going to SEAL God's blessings upon America, from sea to shining sea.

Many are asking how they might help: become a Rainmaker -- mobilize believers in your church, your community or your state. Spread the word to whomever you can, however you can: email, snail-mail, SMS, IM, blogs... Call your local media: radio, TV, Newspapers... Download and print literature from our server ( Write your mayor, your representatives, your governor, and President Bush, and ask them to prepare proclaimations to recognize The SEAL America Campaign -- National Communion 2008.

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Monday, February 18, 2008

Mobile Audio Blog

You can access Seal America Audio/Video by clicking the "XML" button in the sidebar. A variety of programs are uploaded regularly, including Field Reports and brief devotionals that I call an "In HIM Minute" -- posted from the road, by Cell Phone.

Committed to the Cause

Our friends from Michigan came to the Tennessee Event

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Sunday, February 17, 2008

Getting the Word Out

Radio stations in Jackson, Tennessee, and Clarksville, Tennessee opend their studios for us to share with their audiences about The SEAL America Campaign, Tennessee Event.

If you have press connections, please contact us at
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SEAL America -- Day 47

Scenes from Tennessee SEAL America Campaign -- National Communion 2008.

We thank God for friends and partners who help us carry the SEAL America Campaign to every state in the USA. To date, we have completed seven events -- we have forty-four remaining. Evedry day we see the hand of God upon this New Move.

Every event is unique: In Tennessee we were blessed to have US Army officers and enlisted personnel from Fort Campbell, in Clarksville, Tennessee. As in Ohio, a large percentage of the crowd were young Americans. They see in SEAL America a way they can be part of the solution, and help usher in Spiritual Awakening to the USA.

New friends were added to The SEAL America Campaign: Representative Joe Pitts, Representative Curtis Johnson, Mrs. Sarah Lowe (National Day of Prayer), and Mrs Marlene Tidwell (Tennessee Governmental Prayer Alliance).

The next event: Raliegh, North Carolina. If you have frineds and contacts in North Carolina, please tell them about the SEAL Ameirca Campaign, and urge them to get involved. We have only a few days to organize this event. After that we will be in South Carolina. Again, please help ous recruit rainmakers.

Worthy of mention: Although we began The SEAL Ameca Campaign, in The Great Lakes area, in January, the weather was mild on the day of our events. Rain was forecast for Nashville, but we prayed, and the Lord blessed us with warm, rain-free weather.
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SEAL America -- Day 47

Top: Sarah Lowe -- National day of Prayer, National Area Leader; Middle: Marlene Tidwell -- Tennessee Governmental Prayer Alliance -- State Facilitator; Middle: Representatives of US Army. Bottom: Pastor David, Ambassador Huggins, Pastor Tommy, and Pastor William Luffman (SEAL America Tennessee State Advisor)

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SEAL America -- Day 47

The State of Tennessee was Sealed by the Blood of Jesus.
Tennessee State Representative, Joe Pitts, presents an official Tesnnessee State Proclaimation: "Day of Recognition for the SEAL America Campaign."

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Valentine's Day

My sweetheart is coming to Nashville, Friday, to be with me. We miss one another. However, we are willing to make the sacrifice for SEAL America. We will do our best to see one-another every month or so, and in 2009 we will take a few weeks just for ourselves.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

SEAL America -- Day 40

The Kentucky State Capitol was sealed by the Blood of Jesus, today. We had a powerful communion service. While we were having services in Kentucky, people were having services, simultaneously, in other states.

The SEAL America Campaign is about national unity. I encourage you to take communion at home, as a family, and individually. Encourage your pastor to have communion often this year. Can you have communion too much? The great man of Faith, Smith Wigglesworth, had communion every day -- that's how he started his day. Jesus said, "As often as you do this..." I don't think anyone is at risk, having communion too often.


Dear friends in Jesus, Larry & Loretta,

Wow! Praise the Lord for servants like you who are willing to step out and make a difference! May Jesus be high and lifted up, and may things happen in the Spirit to change history! Thanks from all of us, and "adelante con fe y valor!"

Blessings & love -- Bev L.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

SEAL America -- Day 36

Nashville Tennessee: Tennessee State CapitolCharlotte Ave., between 6th and 7th Ave, in downtown Nashville.

Many committed Tennessee Christians, of all ages, are joining together to SEAL the blessings of this great state. Jesus shed His blood for all men, that we might lay aside our differences, and be reconciled unto God and to one another. We know, too well, that the enemy of the cross has tried to divide America, politically, doctrinally, and philosophically. If we can't come together over the communion table, where can we come together? The SEAL America Campaign -- National Communion 2008 is about national unity, love, and forgiveness. America needs a Jubilee. Thank God Jesus is our Jubilee!

One of SEAL America's Tennessee State advisors, Pator William Luffman of Faith Outreach Church, and his Pastoral Care Coordinator, Tommy Valejos, have joined with other like-minded Christian leaders, accross the nation, to bless America. To view Pastor Luffman's video announcement for the SEAL America Tennessee Communion Event, CLICK HERE. It's important that laymen see their pastors and leaders taking time from their individual ministry-focus, and setting aside whatever differences they may have, to work together with other men and women of God to bless the Body of Christ in America. It's a noble thing.

SEAL America/Tennessee will be a great event. Pastors and believers from various denominations will partake of the Cup of Blessing, as well as State Representatives from different parties, and men and women in uniform. The State of Tennessee is issuing an Official SEAL America -- National Communion 2008 Proclaimation.

If you know anyone in Tennessee or Southern Kentucky, contact them right away. You can come too, from where you are. We have people coming from Michigan to stand with us in Tennessee.

Check the calendar for up-coming events: CLICK HERE

"Lord, I'll lift your Cup of Blessing above every capitol in the USA, even if I must go alone..."

SEAL America -- Day 37

SEAL America,Tulsa Headquarters -- Volunteer Team Members:
Danny Rouse, Jeremy Davis and Nathaniel Crane -- Thank you for doing a great job. We can use a hundred more just like you. This is a big job, but God is bigger. One day you'll look back and be glad that you helped do something that has never been done in America -- SEAL All the State Capitols with the Blood of Jesus.
Would you like to volunteer? There is a lot to be done, and you can work from right where you are: CLICK HERE and go to "Volunteer," or call 1-888-NEW-MOVE
Here's a testimony from Sinéad, a SEAL America volunteer from Wisconsin who is attending World Harvest Bible School in Columbus, Ohio (she's already been to two events --Madison and Columbus):

Pastor Huggins,
Wow, look at God! Are you in Tenn. today? Were you affected by the tornados? Please believe that we are praying for you and for God's glory to be manifested through you during this time of turmoil in the state. Look at God's timing! He totally positioned you there for such a time as this. At such a time when so much healing is needed, you're there to plead the healing power of the blood. Expect great things!
God is with you!
And I am also very excited to hear about the State Proclamation! If you ever get discouraged about this project or wonder whether He really did call you to the capitols, just think about that! I am so priviledged to be even a small part of this movement. Thank you for answering the call of God on your life.
We'll be in touch!
That you will be fruitful in every good work, Sinéad
Sinéad, thanks for your prayers and your help -- Ambassador Huggins

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

SEAL America -- Day 36

Kentucky is this weekend, February 9th. Please tell everyone you know -- e-mail all your contacts, especially pastors. Ask everyone to contct their friends. Let's SEAL Kentucky with the Blood of Jesus.

Monday, February 4, 2008

SEAL America -- Day 32

View a SEAL America communion message from West Virginia.

Download File

What's the signifance of SEAL America?

It was needful therefore that the copies of the things in Heaven should be cleansed in this way, but that the heavenly things themselves should be cleansed with more costly sacrifices. (Heb 9:23 WNT -- Weymouth New Testament)

God's statutes were sealed by applying the blood of sacrifice. Also, the buildings and the vessles of service were sealed with the blood of sacrifice. This year we are reaffirming the sealing of God's blessings by applying the blood upon all fifty State Capitols, plus the Federal Capitol in Washington DC.
Jesus entered into heaven and applied his blood to the heavenly tabernacle, the vessles of service, and the Mercy Seat. His eternal sacrifice was made for everyone.
We are consecrating our State Houses, that they might be of service to Christ and His Kingdom. Paul taught that Judges, Magistrates and tax collectors are the ministers of God (Ro 13). As ministers of God they ought to be dedicated to God, and the place where they minister ought to be dedicated to God -- that they might serve with wisdom and Godly fear, that America might live in peace and enjoy the blessings of God.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Tennessee State Advisor

View a video of Dr. Luffman working to bless SEAL America, Tennessee

Download File

Seeing America

Seeing the Real America

Abraham Lincoln was born in Kentucky, and he was shot to death in Washington DC -- because he dared to restore national unity in America. He quoted his favorite source, the bible, "A house divided cannot stand."

It is my priviledge to visit every state in the USA, this year, as I join other brave Americans who dare to lift the cup of restoration above our Capitols.

Traveling the highways and backroads is much more informative than flying thrity thousand feet above sea leve at three hundred miles and hour. I'm seeing an America that is different from the one portrayed by the media. Every day I learn new things. Here is my observation: despite the cynics, pessimists and social anarchists, most Americans hold to the hope that we can be great, again.

We are indebted to our forefathers, like Lincoln, who sacrificed to make us a nation. However, let us not forget who paid the ultimate price to make us a holy nation, and to restore our heavenly birthright.

If you believe we can be great again, spread the word, "The solution's in the cup!"

SEAL America -- Day 31

Praying for America
The West Virginia event is tomorrow. Pray with us as we lift the cup of blessing above the Capitol in Charleston. Forty-six events and forty-six weeks remain in the SEAL America Campaign -- National Communion 2008. Time is passing fast, and there is so much to be done. Please spread the word. E-mail or call all your friends today. They need to know about this historic campaign that's blessing America.

It's time for change: Are you part of a prayer group, or do you know members of a prayer group? Get involved in praying for SEAL America. Sign in at under the volunteer page, or call 1-888-NEW-MOVE

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Tennessee State Advisor

Dr. William Luffman, speaking with a State Representative about The SEAL America Campaign -- National Communion 2008.

Dr. Luffman, Founder and Pastor of Faith Outreach Church, Clarksville, Tennessee, is the Tennessee State Advisor for SEAL America

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Friday, February 1, 2008

New National Advisor

The SEAL America Campaign -- National Communion 2008 -- is pleased to announce that Dr. Mark Barclay is serving on the national advisory board. Dr. Barclay is a nationally known minister and pastor. He is the Founder and President of Mark Barclay Ministries, Incorporated, and the Founder and Senior Pastor of Living Word Church, Midland, Michigan.

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