Monday, June 16, 2008


SEAL America -- Event Twenty-Three

Last Saturday, the Capitol of the State of Washington was sealed by the Liquid-love of Jesus. It was a beautiful, sunny day as we stood upon the Capitol Steps, in front of the massive, bronze, raised-relief doors and lifted the Cup of Blessing above Olympia, the "All American City." Curious Capitol visitors walked by us, but we hardly noticed them -- so focused were we upon the manifested presence of God. The Holy Spirit blessed our prayers and proclamations, as we laid our Blood-washed hands upon the carved stone walls. As long as the walls of the WAshington State Capitol stand they will radiate the luminous presence of the Blood of the Lamb.

Juneau, Alaska is next. Please contactall the pastors, Christian Leaders and believers you know in the Juneau, Alaska area. Invite them to stand with us, and lift the Cup of Blessing above Alaska: -- or call 1-888-NEW-MOVE.

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