Saturday, June 7, 2008

Momunmental Hawiian Testimony

Glory in the Hawaiian, Lt. Governor's Office

"My daughter and I attended the Hawaii "Seal America" event. We want to let you know that on Wednesday evening, we also attended the regularly scheduled prayer meeting in the Lt. Governor's office. It was probably one of the most amazing and powerful meetings we have attended since those meetings began.

After a time of sweet worship, the pastor who facilitates the prayer time suggested that we simply enter a quiet time individually with the Lord to ask HIM how He wanted us to pray that evening. Perhaps 20 minutes or so later, he was impressed to ask representatives from each of the legislative houses, the Executive and the City Council to rededicate their respective bodies of colleagues to the Lord. Not only were the prayers repentant and recommittal, there was a reverence and deep humility that seemed to be experienced by each of those praying.

One "issue" that seems to have resurfaced several times at the prayer gatherings was that of sovereignty of the Hawaiian people. On this occasion, our Hawaiian brother, gave the most heart-wrenching, deeply humble and surrendered prayers to the Sovereign Lord, rededicating the land of Hawaii to GOD as Sovereign!!

For the first time in a long time, we actually PRAYED during the entire time. These meetings originally had been arranged for that sole purpose, but this time was the "fullest" we have yet experienced. Hawaii indeed is SEALED to the Lord!!

Thank you so much for obeying the vision God has given you. If other states experiences are similar to what happened in Hawaii, we can expect dynamic and dramatic change in our nation.

By the way, may i suggest that you encourage those who are unable to attend the event you are planning on Christmas in D.C. to "join" you in their respective states on the state's capitol grounds to have a "national" sealing at the same time? Thank you again for your dedication to seeing the United States re-establish its Christian heritage. God bless you abundantly."

Paula Dozier -- Honolulu, Hawaii