Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Testimony: Louisiana Senate Chaplain

Submitted by Rev. Michael Mann, Chaplain, Louisiana Senate

"How I wish I had known about this when you were in LA. I serve as a chaplain to the State Senate when they are in session & would have been able to see you! Knowing you were there is one more confirmation of something I have sensed in my spirit especially in since the beginning of this regular session. I'll explain: This session marks the 5th session overall (3 special & 2 regular) that we have served over the past 1 1/2 yrs. There are too many details to try to remember but the essence is that the Body of Christ's response to Katrina & Rita gave us (PRC Compassion) so much credibility with the state that when the Lord gave the idea to offer to serve the Senate the doors flew open and have continued to open wider with each session. This session, however, something different is evident. I don't really how to "explain" what I sense but there is a tidal shift in the Spirit. It has nothing to do with who is in the governor's office or the new legislators. They are evidence of the tidal shift... Heaven only knows" where this will end up or what God has in mind...we will simply walk it out."

Rev. Michael Mann -- Chaplain, Louisiana Senate