Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Day 22 -- SEAL America

One Body

There is one body, and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling (Ephesians 4:4)

We may call ourselves evangelicals, or charismatics, or something else; but there's only one body -- the Body of Christ. The forces of evil are betting that American Christians will remain divided. They know a house divided against itself will eventually fall.

If all the Christians in America were to lay aside their differences, for once, and stand together in in the Spirit of Unity, we could change this nation. Do we distrust each other so much that we prefer to let the devil have his way, rather than accept other Christians?

Billie Grahm once said, "The older I get, the less dogmatic I am." Frankly, I'm too occupied with working out my own salvation to get involved with trying to work out someone else's salvation. Remember, "If we judge not, we shall not be judged."

What makes a body one? The blood! If we can't agree upon the blood, then we just don't want to agree. Come American Christian, let's do something so uncharacteristic that it will confuse the devil. Let's recognize the body of the Lord. Let's come to the State Houses together and recognize that His blood was shed for everyone.

A house NOT divided against itself won't fall.


We are moving forward with the Ohio Communion Event. If you know Christians of any flavor within driving range of Colmbus -- Baptist, Methodist, Luthren , Charismatic -- please invite them to stand with us next, Saturday at 11:23 AM.