Saturday, December 27, 2008


SEAL America -- Event Fifty-One

WE FINISHED THE RACE: Congratulations are pouring in from across the USA, including a letter from the President of the United States. We are daily receiving calls and e-mail thanking us for leading the movement to SEAL God's blessings upon every State Capitol in the USA.

RETROSPECTIVE: Tomorrow, it will be one year since I kissed my wife goodbye, and pointed the bus towards Madison, Wisconsin, to launch SEAL America. Since then we have traveled the equivalence of more than twice around the earth, as we crisscrossed the USA and held historic, open, public communion services on the grounds of every State House in the USA and our Nation's Capitol. It has been a significant year.

PATRIOTISM: Our Washington DC Communion Service was powerful. In spite of the forty degree temperature, a great crowd assembled on the Upper Senate Park, adjacent to the Capitol. The air was filed with praise music, as The SEAL America Choir, under the direction of Rev. Doyle Tucker, led us in patriotic and sacred hymns. The pastors and Christian leaders who stood with us greeted the people and prayed. Then we had communion on behalf of our nation and our leaders, everywhere. Words cannot describe the sense of purpose we felt as we proclaimed the benefits of faith in Christ's substitutionary sacrifice that is available for everyone in America and all men everywhere.

TRADE TOWERS: On Christmas Eve, my wife and I traveled to New York City to celebrate Christmas. Yesterday we visited the 9/11 memorial. Neither of us were prepared for the rush of emotions that we felt as we re-lived the tragedy of the attack upon the trade towers. As we stood, with tears in our eyes, we understood more fully why God would ask us to anoint every State House in the USA with the Blood of Jesus. Now that we have applied the Blood of Jesus to every State House in the USA, we expect the plagues of terrorism and economic hardship to pass over our nation. Jesus is our Passover, and as we continue to have faith in Him and God's promises, we expect the livid, luminous, liquid love of God to flow throughout our nation again. "The life of all flesh is in the blood."

THANKSGIVING: My wife and our team are thankful for all who helped SEAL America. Without the prayers, help and encouragement of people like you we would not have been able accomplish our mission. Most of all, we are thankful to God. He guided, provided, and gave us grace to get finish our assignment. Special thanks to Joyce and David Meyer, Ray and Ceci Ramos, Ben Ferrell, Phil Reynolds, Linda Overton, Keith Provance, Jeenergy Jeremy Baracnik, Daniel Rouse, Nick Pidek, Lily Fafita, Rev. Paul Sherrell and Reverend Doyle Tucker. Time will not permit me to mention all who gave their time, money and energy to this campaign...

INVEST IN THE BLESSING: We have our assignment for 2009 and beyond. Watch this blog -- In the days and weeks ahead we will be announcing strategic spiritual developments that will have a significant impact upon all the citizens of the Commonwealth of Christ. We consider you to be our partner, and we welcome your continued participation.

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