Tuesday, September 9, 2008

SEAL America -- Day 254

SEAL America -Week Thirty-Six

Dateline, St. Paul, Minnesota: Minnesota Christians welcomed SEAL America to their Capitol, last saturday. Several groups had joined for thirty days of around-the-clock prayer and fasting prior to the Republican Convention. Then Afterwards, the Holy Spirit impressed upon them that they needed to "seal" what they had accomplised. They weren't sure what that meant until they discovered the SEAL America Campaign was coming to their Capitol on the day following the Rebublican National Convention, to "seal" the blessings of God upon Minnesota!

Enthusiastic Crowd: Our Minnesota constituents were joined by believers from Michigan and Wisconsin. Pastor Tom and Paula Rouse brought their praise team form the Lighthouse Family Church, in Ironwood, MI.

Florida Minisitry Event: After the St Paul Communion Service, I flew to Pensocala to minister for Dr. and Mrs Christian Harfouche. It was a life-changing, history-making service.

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