Saturday, August 9, 2008

SEAL America -- Day 223

SEAL America -- Event Thirty-Two
Bismarck, North Dakota

Think of the importance of consecrating all the State Houses in the USA by celebrating Holy Communion on the State House steps! Bismarck, North Dakota, was the thirty-second State House to be consecrated by the SEAL America Campaign -- National Communion 2008.

We are steadily working our way across the USA, covering America with the liquid love of Jesus -- from sea to shining sea. We are, in a manner of speaking, celebrating the reversal of the curse of poverty, sin, and death. Jesus did this when he became a curse for us, at Calvary, that the blessings of Abraham might come upon us through faith. We are applying this truth through the act of communion.

There is a lot of talk about what the enemy is doing, or has done. Nothing compares to what Jesus did for us: He conquered death, hell, and the grave through his life, death, and resurrection. Today, in North Dakota, we recognised that Jesus Christ is Lord of Lords and King of Kings. Happy is the nation whose God is the Lord!

This applies to your house, too. Discover the power of home communion. The Cup of Blessing will help you get started, and it's available on the SEAL America website:

Thank you for your prayers and support. Get involved in SEAL America, Click the donate button.
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