Wednesday, November 12, 2008

SEAL America -- Day 317

SEAL America -- Week Forty-Five

Providence, RI -- we were welcomed by several groups of committed American Christians. The State Rep for the National Day of Prayer was present. The Rhode Island NDP had just finished a week of scripture reading at the Capitol, and were excited that they were able to SEAL their efforts by sharing communion at the SEAL America Rhode Island event with other believers.

Shirley Dobson, Chairman of National Day of Prayer, at the National Prayer Summit, encouraged the NDP Reps to do everything they can to support SEAL America, during our final weeks, as we move towards our Victory Rally and National Communion in Washington DC.

Presidential Proclamation: A personal friend of President Bush has taken the task of requesting a Presidential Proclamation for SEAL America's Day of National Communion. Keep this in your prayers. It will be a legacy for his Presidency and a step closer to spiritual unity in our country. You can help by signing our proclamation petition (see sidebar).

Hartford, Connicut: Event Forty-five is next Saturday, at 11:23 AM, as usual. Contact your friendsin the Hartford area and urge them attend their communion service at their State Capitol.

Washington DC Countdown: Six weeks! Make plans to attend, and encourage all your friends to attend this historic National Communion Service, December 20, 11:23 AM, Upper Senate Park, Capitol Ave, Washington DC. -- Info:

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