Friday, July 18, 2008

Divine Aliances

Lisa Crump -- National Day of Prayer

No organization has surpassed the National Day of Prayer in strategic support for SEAL America. We were joined at the Colorado State Capitol by Lisa Crump, from Colorado Springs, Colorado, the Senior manager for the NDP Coordinator Network. Lisa works closely with Mrs. Shirley Dobson, the leader of the National day of Prayer Task Force, and the NDP Regional and State Coordinators.

SEAL America has had the priviledge of meeting and working with several NDP Regional Coordinators, such as Sarah Lowe, Linda Stone, and others. We congratulate Mrs. Dobson: She has selected Coordinators who represent the Lord and NDP well.

My wife and I instantly felt a heart-connection with Lisa. She's a dedicated servant-leader, who beams with love and bubbles over with enthusiasm. Lisa participated in every aspect of the communion service at the Colorado State House: read scriptures, prayed prayers, anointed the building, encouraged the saints... Afterwards our friendship was cemented with a meal and edifying conversation (and lots of laughter).

Our prayers and thoughts are with National Day of Prayer -- a bright light in the spiritual landscape of America.

To learn more about the National day of Prayer, click this link:

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