Thursday, July 31, 2008
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
SEAL America -- Day 213
Wisconsin Testimony
Dear Brother Larry,
I believe in what you are doing. It's having a powerful impact in the realm of the Spirit. God assigns prophets to speak and declare things for Him so that He can bring it to pass. It's what happens behind the scenes that has the greatest impact... I sure appreciate you and your mission.
Pastor Ted Rouse -- Wauwatosa, WI
Wyoming Testimony
Hello our friends!
I know all is well with the asignment God has given you. Just wanted to say how blessed we were to be a part of what God put in your heart to do for "Such a time as this!!!Andy and I were honored to be used by God to interview you and play that interview on KGSC TV 47 in Cheyenne Wyoming. It was a pleasure meeting all of your team!God Bless You.
Andy & Charlene Baktamarian -- Cheyenne, Wyoming
Let us know your thoughts about SEAL America. We welcome your prayer requests, praise reports and comments.
SEAL America -- Day 208
SEAL America -- Event Thirty
Helena, Montana
TV Coverage: CBS Affiliate KXLH-25 covered the Montana Seal America Event. Our favor with the media continues to grow, and all of it has been positive. If you have contacts with the media of any kind, please tell them about SEAL Aemrica -- everyone needs to know about this historic campaign to bless America.
Holy Spirit Timing: SEAL America was in Wyoming during Frontier Days, and in Montana during the Stampede Rodeo Event. We will be in South Dakota during the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally. God 's timing is perfect!
Be Part of the Solution: You can help SEAL God's blessings upon America. Forward the SEAL America link to all your contacts. They need to know about this Historic Campaign to cover America with the Liquid Love of Jesus, from sea to shining sea.
SEAL America -- Day 208
SEAL America -- Event Thirty
Helena, Montana
CBS KXLH-25 sent a TV reporter to cover the SEAL America, Helena, Montana, communion service. We are getting more media attention every month, and all of it has been positive.
We were in Helena during their Stampede rodio-event. Interestingly, we were in Wyoming during Frontier Days, and we will be in South Dakota during the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally. We can't take credit for being in these states during their big, annual eventes -- our schedule was arranged by the Holy Spirit.
We continue to receive grea reports as SEAL America continues to bless all the states of the United States. This vision is capturing the hearts of people accross USA, as we continue conducting historic Patriotic Communion Services on the steps of the State Houses of America. Montana was event number thirty. South Dakota will be number thirty-one. We welcome your prayers, comments, and testimonies.
Thank you for doing your part to SEAL God's Blessings upon America, during this year of change. Please forward the SEAL America information to all your contacts. We want them to be a part of these history-making communion services.
Monday, July 28, 2008
Testimony -- Michigan
Dear Dr. Huggins:
Praise God! What a blessing to read of the Lord's favor that is surrounding you. I am so encouraged to read of the divine connections and continued support that you and Seal America are receiving. You have been on my heart continually. I have been praying for you and Loretta for extravagant support in every area! Your obedience to the call of God, and God's faithful reward, have been a great encouragement to me. We are blessed to know you, and to follow your example of complete devotion to the Lord...
Thank you so very much for following God with all your heart, for daring to step out in this great assignment and watch His hand move in every state to bring confirmation of His Word. Thank you for sacrificing this year for Him, and being a minister who will truly follow God -- no matter what...
I can only imagine the rich rewards that are in store for both of you! Thank you again for being an example to us all.
Debbie Moore
SEAL America Minute -- Wyoming
A video update from the Wyoming, SEAL America Patriotic Communion Service, with Ambassador Larry Huggins
Download File
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Testimony From Wisconsin
National Prayer Movement Inspired by SEAL America
Hi Brother Larry,
I apologize for taking so long to give you a report of the communion service we did at UW-Green Bay. It was awesome! ...I feel confident we accomplished what the Lord wanted to do that day. This act of obedience on my part has led to me launch a national prayer crusade of praying Isaiah 62:7 for America and an America's Motto Crusade to get the singing of the 4th verse of the Star Spangled Banner sung where the 1st verse is traditionally sung. If you want to check it out further my website is
Blessings -- David
SEAL America -- Day 204
Daniel Rouse, Associate Campaign Manager
Rev. Rouse worked in our Tulsa office for the first half of the year. He came began traveling with me thirty-five days ago, and since then he has been in seven states.
Daniel is very capable. His telephone and administrative skills are superb, and he is very responsible. I often forget that he is just a few weeks from being twenty-one. However, he has been involved in the ministry, with his father, since he was a young boy, and he operated his own buisness from age twelve. He is a great example to young people.
Daniel recently graduated from Rhema Bible Training Center, in Tulsa, Oklahoma. He will be returning to Ironwood, Michigan to help his father in their church after the SEAL America campaign is over, December 20th. Daniel will celebrate his twenty-first birthday, in four weeks.
You can follow Daniels travels in his blog: The photo depicts some of his memories in Yellowstone Park, Wyoming, where we stopped on our way to SEAL America, event thirty, in Helena, Montana. He would appreciate getting a letter or e-mail from you.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
SEAL America -- Day 200
SEAL America -- Event Twenty-nine
Cheyenne, Wyoming
SEAL America held a communion service on the steps of the Wyoming Capitol on the day of the famous Frontier Days Parade. Here are a few photos of the event.
We were joined by several area pastors and TV personalities, and we were very happy to have a group of soldiers (out of uniform) lifting the cup of blessing with us.
Wyoming has a history of being first: Cheyene was the first city to have electric street lights. The first in women's voting rights and civil rights. Wyoming Christians expect to lead the way spiritually.
We were warmly welcomed and treated very well by Christians in Wyoming, and we had a very special communion service. Please pray for Wyoming.
Our next event will be in Helena, Montana. If you have people in Montana, contact them right away, and ask them to visit our website, and contact us by phone or e-mail.
SEAL America -- Day 200
Mayor of Cheyenne, Wyoming, the Honorable Jack Striker confers with Ambassador Huggins.
"Thank you for coming to Cheyenne. We appreciate what you are doing..."
Jack Striker is a dedicated Christian who often attends prayer events throughout Cheyenne.
SEAL America -- Day 200
Wyoming Governor, The Honorable Dave Freudenthal welcomes Ambassador Huggins, and the SEAL America Campaign.
"I have heard about the SEAL America Campaign. Thank you for coming to our state..."
The SEAL America Campaign is making an impact upon the Spiritual landscape of America, and attracting the attention of people accross the country.
SEAL America -- Day 200
KGSC Interview -- Cheyene, WY
Andrew and Charlene Batktamarian opened their TV Station to SEAL America. They are owners of KGSC-47, God's Station Cheyenne. Charlelene interview us for two hours. Then her husband Andy broadcast the interviews for ten hours. It was a delight being with these committed Christians. Thank you Andy and Charlene.
SEAL America is moving in an extraordinary flow of faith and favor -- so it is with assignments that come from heaven. I believe that God's blessing is upon those who help SEAL America. If you are a SEAL America Partner, then you are a partaker of the same grace.
Friday, July 18, 2008
SEAL America -- Day 200
Rev. Daniel Rouse, the Assistant Campaign Director for the SEAL America Campaign, has transferred from the Tulsa Office, where he worked with Mrs. Huggins, to join me aboard the Campaign Motor Coach. Rev. Rouse has been with us from the inception of SEAL America, and will continue until we complete our assignment in December.
SEAL America -- Day 198
Tinley Park, IL
A few days ago, I flew round trip from Denver to Chicago to attend Dr. Robb Thompson's Week of Excellence Event. It was a feast for my spirit: the teaching was meaty, the fellowship was sweet, and the encouragement was rich.
Pictured here are Dr. Robb Thompson, Dr. John Avanzini (my mentor), and dr. Mike Murdock, a long-time friend, and Pastor Toy A. Not pictured is Dr. Rod Parsley.
Dr. Murdock said publicly, "It's good to see my friend Dr. Larry Huggins here. Not five days ago, as I was walking up my stairs in my home, I thought strongly about you, Larry. This is a Divine connection..."
I know it was a Divine connection: I was awakened, five days before, with Dr. Murdock on my heart. it was so strong that I sent him flowers and a personal note. I'm sharing this with you so you can see how the Holy Spirit is orchestrating the Divine Connections of SEAL America.
If you are praying for SEAL America, and helping in any way, then you are a part of these Divine Connections. Be lead of the Spirit: there are other connections the Holy Spirit wants to make during this historic year of National Communion.
Divine Aliances
Lisa Crump -- National Day of Prayer
No organization has surpassed the National Day of Prayer in strategic support for SEAL America. We were joined at the Colorado State Capitol by Lisa Crump, from Colorado Springs, Colorado, the Senior manager for the NDP Coordinator Network. Lisa works closely with Mrs. Shirley Dobson, the leader of the National day of Prayer Task Force, and the NDP Regional and State Coordinators.
SEAL America has had the priviledge of meeting and working with several NDP Regional Coordinators, such as Sarah Lowe, Linda Stone, and others. We congratulate Mrs. Dobson: She has selected Coordinators who represent the Lord and NDP well.
My wife and I instantly felt a heart-connection with Lisa. She's a dedicated servant-leader, who beams with love and bubbles over with enthusiasm. Lisa participated in every aspect of the communion service at the Colorado State House: read scriptures, prayed prayers, anointed the building, encouraged the saints... Afterwards our friendship was cemented with a meal and edifying conversation (and lots of laughter).
Our prayers and thoughts are with National Day of Prayer -- a bright light in the spiritual landscape of America.
To learn more about the National day of Prayer, click this link:
Thursday, July 17, 2008
SEAL America -- Day 195
SEAL America -- Event Twenty-Eight
Denver, Colorado
Wherefore Jesus also, that he might sanctify the people with his own blood, suffered without the gate. (Heb 13:12)
Once, kings sat at judgement at the gate of the city, and criminals were punished outside of the gates. Jesus, the King of Kings, was taken outside of the gates of the city, and punished as a criminal. Today, as we celebrated the Body and the Blood of Christ, Jesus was invited back to the gate of the city.
Today, there are many who try to keep Jesus outside of the gates of the city. Saturday, we invited Jesus into the gate of Colorado -- the Colorado State House. Think about what this means.
If you've been following SEAL America, then you know that we are on schedule -- twenty eight capitols have been consecrated in the past twenty eight weeks. It is impossible to measure the importance that these communion services are having upon America.
My wife, Loretta, flew to Denver to participate in the historic, Colorado Communion Service. We were also joined by Linda and Don, from Tulsa, by Lisa Crump, of the National Day of Prayer, and by believers and intercessors from Colorado.
Twenty-eight states have been joined by the blood of Jesus. In just twenty-three weeks all of the State Capitols of America will have been joined by the Blood of Jesus. These dry bones will live again!
Join with us in communion from your home, or church, every Saturday morning. 2008 is our year of National Communion.
If you are an intercessor, contact us right away. We will enroll you on our special intercessors list, and we will begin sharing prayer requests and prayer reports with you.
If you have contacts in Wyoming or Montana, please tell them about SEAL America, ASAP.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
SEAL America -- Day 193
Pastors Bob & Loretta Yandian
Grace Church -- Tulsa, OK
Last night I was invited to give a mid-campaign, SEAL America report, at Grace Church in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Dr. Yandian is one of our Advisors, and he and Loretta are our dear friends. They were among the first to get behind the SEAL America Campaign -- National Communion 2008.
- Today, I return to Denver
- Tomorrow, Mrs. Huggins joins me in Denver
- Saturday AM, event twenty-eight in Denver
- Saturday PM, I travel to Chicago
- Sunday, Mrs Huggins returns to Tulsa
Thank you for investing in the blessing by helping us SEAL America.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
SEAL America -- Day 192
Oasis Radio Interview
Today, David Ingles interviewed Ambassador Huggins for half an hour on the Road Show, in Tulsa, Oklahoma. The interview was broadcast live, in several markets, from California to Virginia, and via satellite & internet.
If you have media contacts, please put them in touch with
See our main website for our schedule of communion-events:
Call: 918 949-6110
Monday, July 7, 2008
SEAL America -- Utah State Capitol
A pre-event on-location message from the Utah Capitol Building, by Ambassador Larry Huggins
MP3 File
Sunday, July 6, 2008
SEAL America -- Salt Lake City
A post-event on-location message from the Utah State Capitol, by Ambassador Larry Huggins
MP3 File
ABC Interview -- Salt Lake
Media Report
Ambassador Huggins shares the vision of SEAL America with a reporter from ABC affeliate, KTUX, Channel 4, Salt Lake City, Utah.
The word is getting out about the SEAL America Campaign -- National Unity 2008. This is a message America needs to hear: In these troublesome times, in an election year, an historic, grass-roots movement is moving throughout every state in the USA -- celebrating communion at the State Houses on behalf of ourselves, the legislators, and all Americans.
You can click on the link on the sidebar to download press releases that you can send out or reprint in your publication.
SEAL America -- Day 188
SEAL America -- Week Twenty-Seven
Every state has unique characteristics, and strategic importance in the America fabric. However, for SEAL America, the mission remains the same. We lift the Cup of Blessings above the Capitol and bless the building and the legistature, believing that the Spirit of God will impact everyone in the state. Utah received the same unbias, sincere attention as every other state we have blessed. We expect to see positive change in the near future.
SEAL America -- Day 181
SEAL America -- Week 26
We have applied the eternal Blood of Jesus to one half of the State Capitols in the USA, through open, public, communion services -- this cannot be undone. Boise, Idaho, was our twenty-sixth communion-event. The main State House is under construction, so we held our communion service at the legislative annex, next door, where the seat of the goverment is located.We were hosted by Pastor Don Ricci, and his wife, Christina. They made sure that we were taken care of and well fed. This is the kind of Unity of the Spirit that makes the Body of Christ invincible. Would that everyone demonstrated this kind of agape love. Thank you Don and Christina.
Our next event is Salt Lake City, Utah. Please keep SEAL Ameica in your prayers (donations are appreciated).