Oasis Radio Network Interview
Ambassador Huggins is going to be on the Road Show hosted (and owned) by David Ingles on July 9th. You may be able to listen to the program via the internet.
Please conslt the Oasis programing guide for show time in your area. Please pass this information to your friends.
KNYD -- Broken Arrow/Tulsa, OK -- 90.5 FM
KDIM -- Coweta/Tulsa, OK -- 88.1 FM
KMSI -- Moore/Oklahoma City, OK -- 88.1 FM
WYCS -- Yorktown/Hampton, VA -- 91.5 FM
KOZO -- Branson/Springfield, MO -- 89.7 FM / 93.7 FM
WOFN -- Canton, OH -- 88.7 FM
KBXO -- Coachella/Palm Springs, CA -- 90.3 FM
Please Help:
(1) If you listen to the show, please call in and ask questions while we are on the air.
(2) If you listen to the show, please send me an e-mail and let us know what station you listened to:
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
The SEAL America Audience is Growing
Sunday, June 22, 2008
SEAL America -- Day 174
Governor Sarah Palin -- Juneau, Alaska
My heart is toward the governors of Israel, that offered themselves willingly among the people. Bless ye the LORD. (Jdg 5:9)
When I accepted the assignment to lift the Cup of Blessing above every State Capitol in the USA, I promised the Lord I would go, rain or shine, even if I stood alone. Today it didn't rain (it was misty). Nor did I stand alone. The Honorable Sarah Palin, Governor of the State of Alaska, stood with me. Moreover, she stood for God, and she stood in proxy for the citizens of Alaska and the USA. Later, her two daughters and their two friends took communion.
The word of God says, "...the Lord can deliver by few as well as by many." Governor Palin laid her hands on the doorpost of the Capitol and declared, "By the power vested in me as Governor of Alaska, I bless the great State of Alaska..." What followed was a powerful and heartfelt prayer of dedication. She concluded by praying that God would give me a national platform to share the message of SEAL America.
I believe the Holy Spirit sanctified the State House and the government of Alaska, today, in a special way. As long as the building stands, the blessing will stand; and the Blood of the Lamb, "...that speaketh better things than that of Able," will continue to speak for all the peoples of Alaska.
Before I came to Juneau, I heard good reports about Alaska and Governor Palin. Here is a dedicated Christian, a wife, a mother, and a servant-leader, who is an example to Governors throughout America. There are many who believe Alaska will lead the way in our return to the values upon which the Constitution of the United States of America was founded. My prayer is that other Governors will recognize that the political process alone is inadequate. We need the help of Providence. National Communion is a fundamental step in the right direction. That's the purpose of the SEAL America Campaign.
Alaska was event number twenty-four, in our fifty-one event campaign. Boisie, Idaho, next Saturday, will mark the half-way point -- twenty-five states sealed -- twenty-five states remaining to be sealed. Then we will culminate with a Christmas Communion at the Capitol Celebration in Washington DC, December 19-20, 2008.
Please do what you can to further the SEAL America Campaign -- alert others that we are coming to their state. If you know of door-keepers and rain-makers who can bless the campaign, put them in touch with us: 1-888-NEW-MOVE
Thank you for your prayers and support.
Saturday, June 21, 2008
SEAL America -- Day 170
Christian Love -- Olympia, Washington
My dear friend, you are acting faithfully in all your behaviour towards the brethren, even when they are strangers to you. They have testified, in the presence of the Church, to your love; and you will do well to help them on their journey in a manner worthy of your fellowship with God. (3Jn 1:5-6)
Some spots are brighter than others: A small group of believing-believers in Olympia refreshed my soul. Exepriences such as this make this campaign worthwhile. Representatives of the Christian Coalition of Washington, the National day of Prayer, and Daniel House, opened their hearts, their homes, and their wallets to me and to the SEAL America Campaign.
Acknowledgments: Rick and Jill Forcier, of the Christian Coalition, and their helpful assistant Kathryn. Also, I wish to acknowledge Phil, Kathie, Mike, Danita, Ken, Lynn... and others to numerous to list here. Thank you for your love and friendship. You personify the servant-leaders of the New Testament church. The doors that you opened for me in Alaska, Idaho, and Washington DC will facilitate the historic SEAL America Campaign. I especially was honored to attend the Daniel House Directors meeting in Ken and Lynn's home.
You are all in my prayers (I hope to see some of you in New England this fall, during your American Heritage Tour).
A word about Daniel House: Daniel House was birthed in the heart of Kathie Kassidy and friends. They acquired and furnished a prayer-house adjacent to the Capitol -- a place of prayer, open to God's people, and a safe haven where State Legislators can find respite from the rigors of government.
A personal word: Rick, thank you for your companionship and kindness. You and Jill blessed me beyond words. I believe others will follow your example, and bless the SEAL America Campaign.
Blessings -- Ambassador Larry Huggins
Monday, June 16, 2008
Testimony from Hawaii
Testimony from Rabbi Daniel Vargas
Shalom Pastor Huggins:
What a historic moment it was when Seal America arrived on the shores of Hawaii to seal Hawaii under the blood of Y'shua our living Messiah. Our Ends of The Earth Prayer Tower overlooks the State Capitol and effective June 28, prayer will be released under G-d's anointing to dismantle every demon who dares to raise it's head in our Islands.
The Hawaiian Islands will never be the same after your prayer brother Huggins to apply the power of the blood upon this state.
As you move on to the 22nd state and on to the final State and closing in December with the District of Colombia we shall be there with you in spirit and remain in prayer for you.
In Messiah,
Rabbi Daniel Jeshurun Vargas
Beth Israel Jewish Ministries International
Honolulu, Hawaii
Rabbi Vargas is a special friend and brother to SEAL America. Please pray for the Ends of the Earth Prayer Tower that will be launched June 27 -- They are surrounding the world wityh faith and prayer 24/7!
SEAL America -- Event Twenty-Three
Last Saturday, the Capitol of the State of Washington was sealed by the Liquid-love of Jesus. It was a beautiful, sunny day as we stood upon the Capitol Steps, in front of the massive, bronze, raised-relief doors and lifted the Cup of Blessing above Olympia, the "All American City." Curious Capitol visitors walked by us, but we hardly noticed them -- so focused were we upon the manifested presence of God. The Holy Spirit blessed our prayers and proclamations, as we laid our Blood-washed hands upon the carved stone walls. As long as the walls of the WAshington State Capitol stand they will radiate the luminous presence of the Blood of the Lamb.
Juneau, Alaska is next. Please contactall the pastors, Christian Leaders and believers you know in the Juneau, Alaska area. Invite them to stand with us, and lift the Cup of Blessing above Alaska: -- or call 1-888-NEW-MOVE.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Good Reports Continue to Come
Austin, Texas
"The manifestation of the Holy Spirit was very apparent when Ambassador Larry Huggins and Loretta presented communion to the Lord on the steps of the Capitol in Austin, Texas. We prayed and sang to the Lord with boldness as visitors to the Capitol surrounded and passed by, stopping long enough to see what was happening. Our expectation is that many were changed that day. The Word of God says that the land we tread upon will belong to us. We took the capitol for the Kingdom of God, as a symbol of the state of Texas. We expect great things to happen in Texas as a result. This week the unheard of happened with the burning of the governor's mansion just down the road from the Capitol. There was no one in the building and artifacts had been removed for renovation. Again, the attack came and failed. I believe this is because of the prayer we offered for Texas during the Seal America campaign.
Thank you for giving me the opportunity to participate in this awesome venture along with you and other believers. It blessed me to see others travel from all over the state to participate."
Marcia Wilcoxen
House of the Lord Fellowship Church
Austin, Texas
Monday, June 9, 2008
More Sacramento Pictures
Sacramento, California -- The Lord's Gym, motorcycle club supported SEAL America. Notice the pink unbrella.
We always lay our hands on the buildings. As long as these buildings remain, the evidence of our handprints will be visible in the realm of the Spirit.
Saturday, June 7, 2008
SEAL America -- Day 160
Oregon State Capitol -- Event Twenty-two
Today we lifted the Cup of Blessings above the Oregon State Capitol. After a powerful communion service, we laid our hands upon the building, and prayed that the Blood of Jesus would sanctify the Capitol and all the branches of Government in Oregon, and (importantly) that the Holy Spirit will manifest in all the chambers of Governemnt. We are expecting the same kind of immediate results we have witnessed in Hawaii (See Testimony: Glory in the Hawaiin Lt. Governor's Office).
If you are an intercessor, we need you to join our network of intercessors -- like the four prayer-warriors pictured here, in front of the Oregon State House. If you know other intercessors, please contact them and ask them to pray for SEAL America. Encourage them to contact us through our website: Likewise we want to connect with ministries, churches, and youth groups. Please look at out calendar on our website and have them contact in advance of SEAL America coming to their State. Also, we want to make contact with choir members and psalmists who will help us praise God at the Capitols.
If you know people in the Olympia, Washington area, or Juneau, Alaska, tell them we are coming to their state next. Invite them to lift the Cup of Blessing with us. This is very important in God's Master Plan for spiritual awakening in America.
meanwhile, we encourage you to begin holding communion services with us, from your home or church, every Saturday morning, throughout 2008. Remember, "The solution's in the cup!"
Momunmental Hawiian Testimony
Glory in the Hawaiian, Lt. Governor's Office
"My daughter and I attended the Hawaii "Seal America" event. We want to let you know that on Wednesday evening, we also attended the regularly scheduled prayer meeting in the Lt. Governor's office. It was probably one of the most amazing and powerful meetings we have attended since those meetings began.
After a time of sweet worship, the pastor who facilitates the prayer time suggested that we simply enter a quiet time individually with the Lord to ask HIM how He wanted us to pray that evening. Perhaps 20 minutes or so later, he was impressed to ask representatives from each of the legislative houses, the Executive and the City Council to rededicate their respective bodies of colleagues to the Lord. Not only were the prayers repentant and recommittal, there was a reverence and deep humility that seemed to be experienced by each of those praying.
One "issue" that seems to have resurfaced several times at the prayer gatherings was that of sovereignty of the Hawaiian people. On this occasion, our Hawaiian brother, gave the most heart-wrenching, deeply humble and surrendered prayers to the Sovereign Lord, rededicating the land of Hawaii to GOD as Sovereign!!
For the first time in a long time, we actually PRAYED during the entire time. These meetings originally had been arranged for that sole purpose, but this time was the "fullest" we have yet experienced. Hawaii indeed is SEALED to the Lord!!
Thank you so much for obeying the vision God has given you. If other states experiences are similar to what happened in Hawaii, we can expect dynamic and dramatic change in our nation.
By the way, may i suggest that you encourage those who are unable to attend the event you are planning on Christmas in D.C. to "join" you in their respective states on the state's capitol grounds to have a "national" sealing at the same time? Thank you again for your dedication to seeing the United States re-establish its Christian heritage. God bless you abundantly."
Paula Dozier -- Honolulu, Hawaii
Monday, June 2, 2008
SEAL America -- Day 153
Hawaii has been sealed by the Blood of the Lamb. All the SEAL America services are extraordinary -- this is an extraordinary assignment from the Lord. Each one builds upon the previous. The Hawaii State Capitol -- number twenty-one -- was special for all who attended. However, these service are not merely for those who attend -- they are are for everyone in the state, the legislators, and all of America. Hawaii, our western-most state has been sealed. Now we return to the Mainland to seal Oregon, Washington, Alaska...
Rabbi Daniel Vargas, a Messianic Jewish Believer, and his congregation, welcomed SEAL America to Hawaii. Rabbi Vargas is inaugurating a prayer tower, June 27. It's called The Ends of the Earth Prayer Tower -- because of Acts 1:8, and because it is half-way around the world from it's counter part, The Jerusalem Prayer Tower. Rabbi Vargas said that it was significant that we came to Seal Hawaii by the Blood of Jesus, because it confirmed their vision for the Prayer Tower, and sealed God's blessings upon it.
Our dear friends, Dr. and Mrs. Barancik, from Fenton, Michigan, attended the Hawaii SEAL America communion-event. Many of their friends and family came to their son and daughter-in-law's marriage ceremony (Crystal and Jeremy), then stayed over to participate in the communion service.
Texas Capitol Testimony
Taking Back Texas
"We were so blessed to be a part of taking communion with you here in Texas at our own State Capitol. We know the events that took place there were significant for the Body of Christ, our state and our nation. It was good to see the people of God come together from different fellowships and participate in communion unashamedly on the steps of the Capitol. It is truly a time of separation of the Body of Christ from the world's system and into their Kingdom of God authority. We believe our coming together for communion signified this, as well as our 'taking back' our nation from the decay of decades of godlessness. We appreciate so much your obedience and the sacrifices you are making therein to Seal America for God."
Richard and Michelle Sanders
House of the Lord Fellowship ChurchAustin, TX
A Word From a Young Person
"I go to House of the Lord. My dad and I went to the Austin's capital to pray and take communion. There were a lot of kids and teenagers there too.
When we were laying hands on the capital I was commanding bad spirits to come out and God's glory to come in. I enjoyed having this opportunity."
Quavon (12)
Praise Report -- Salvation
"God bless you both,Just wanted to say Hi, and tell you, were blessed to be supporters of the Seal America Campaign. Another person recieved Christ this morning at church..."
Pastor Jeff and Kelly Stonerock