Governor Sarah Palin -- Juneau, Alaska
My heart is toward the governors of Israel, that offered themselves willingly among the people. Bless ye the LORD. (Jdg 5:9)
When I accepted the assignment to lift the Cup of Blessing above every State Capitol in the USA, I promised the Lord I would go, rain or shine, even if I stood alone. Today it didn't rain (it was misty). Nor did I stand alone. The Honorable Sarah Palin, Governor of the State of Alaska, stood with me. Moreover, she stood for God, and she stood in proxy for the citizens of Alaska and the USA. Later, her two daughters and their two friends took communion.
The word of God says, "...the Lord can deliver by few as well as by many." Governor Palin laid her hands on the doorpost of the Capitol and declared, "By the power vested in me as Governor of Alaska, I bless the great State of Alaska..." What followed was a powerful and heartfelt prayer of dedication. She concluded by praying that God would give me a national platform to share the message of SEAL America.
I believe the Holy Spirit sanctified the State House and the government of Alaska, today, in a special way. As long as the building stands, the blessing will stand; and the Blood of the Lamb, "...that speaketh better things than that of Able," will continue to speak for all the peoples of Alaska.
Before I came to Juneau, I heard good reports about Alaska and Governor Palin. Here is a dedicated Christian, a wife, a mother, and a servant-leader, who is an example to Governors throughout America. There are many who believe Alaska will lead the way in our return to the values upon which the Constitution of the United States of America was founded. My prayer is that other Governors will recognize that the political process alone is inadequate. We need the help of Providence. National Communion is a fundamental step in the right direction. That's the purpose of the SEAL America Campaign.
Alaska was event number twenty-four, in our fifty-one event campaign. Boisie, Idaho, next Saturday, will mark the half-way point -- twenty-five states sealed -- twenty-five states remaining to be sealed. Then we will culminate with a Christmas Communion at the Capitol Celebration in Washington DC, December 19-20, 2008.
Please do what you can to further the SEAL America Campaign -- alert others that we are coming to their state. If you know of door-keepers and rain-makers who can bless the campaign, put them in touch with us: 1-888-NEW-MOVE
Thank you for your prayers and support.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
SEAL America -- Day 174
Sarah Palin
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