Since we launched National Communion 2008, on January 5th, I have been saying, "One day I'd like to see 80% young people at a SEAL America event." The Holy Spirit topped that in Columbus. There were 90% young people at the event! Young American Christians have the solution, "The solution is in the cup."
It is truly remarkable that people are willing to drive to their State Capitols on Saturday mornings, in the dead of winter, to have communion. These beleivers are serious about blessing America. This speaks volumes about the their commitment to real change. One day there will be more standing with us, but for now we know we are obeying God, and everyone counts. However, others need to know. Please tell your friends to log on to We are coming to their state this year.
Saturday, January 26, 2008
SEAL America -- Day 26
Friday, January 25, 2008
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Day 24 -- SEAL America
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Day 23 -- SEAL America
Jeremy's Walk-out Closet
Believing-believer's are gathering at their respective State Capitols, on the day of their SEAL America communion event. However, Jeremy and I are traveling to every state, except Alsaka and Hawaii, by Motor Coach -- fifteen thousand miles! This is a practical way to travel (at least in the beginning of this campaign). We are a rolling campaign office.
Occasionally, we check into a hotel for the luxury of bigger beds and unlimited hot water. One way you can help is by donating your airlines awards and hotel vouchers. Email us for details: (in the subject line write Travel Awards). You'll receive a receipt for the cash value of the certificates that you can use for tax deductations.
PS -- Thank you Alicia, for the Starbucks gift card! -- Ambassador H.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Day 22 -- SEAL America
One Body
There is one body, and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling (Ephesians 4:4)
We may call ourselves evangelicals, or charismatics, or something else; but there's only one body -- the Body of Christ. The forces of evil are betting that American Christians will remain divided. They know a house divided against itself will eventually fall.
If all the Christians in America were to lay aside their differences, for once, and stand together in in the Spirit of Unity, we could change this nation. Do we distrust each other so much that we prefer to let the devil have his way, rather than accept other Christians?
Billie Grahm once said, "The older I get, the less dogmatic I am." Frankly, I'm too occupied with working out my own salvation to get involved with trying to work out someone else's salvation. Remember, "If we judge not, we shall not be judged."
What makes a body one? The blood! If we can't agree upon the blood, then we just don't want to agree. Come American Christian, let's do something so uncharacteristic that it will confuse the devil. Let's recognize the body of the Lord. Let's come to the State Houses together and recognize that His blood was shed for everyone.
A house NOT divided against itself won't fall.
We are moving forward with the Ohio Communion Event. If you know Christians of any flavor within driving range of Colmbus -- Baptist, Methodist, Luthren , Charismatic -- please invite them to stand with us next, Saturday at 11:23 AM.
Monday, January 21, 2008
Testimony From Wisconsin
...I wanted to share a revelation I had yesterday while meditating in the Word. The empowerment God wants imparted to the American youth is a revelation of His love for them. It is out of this revelation experience He is going to set them free from the spirit of rejection that has targeted this generation. And then they will go forth and do great exploits for God, like Patriots of Light & city and nation shakers for God and the other ministry tools he will make available to them. I see it as God bringing healing to the youth generation and then God using them to bring healing to America. I also see it as a spiritual fathering ministry assignment to the American youth.
Could it be that He has called us (SEAL America) for such a time as this to bring the healing message of His love to the youth of America?
I just wanted to share those insights with you
Love and blessings -- David
Why Do We Pray Over Our Food?
Do we pray over our food to kill germs, nullify chemical additives, or cast out calories? That's unnecessary; the prayer of thanksgiving automatically sanctifies the food (1Ti 4:4, 5). There's another reason we bless our meals: Jesus is revealed at the breaking of bread!
After His resurrection, Jesus walked to Emmaus with two men, "But their eyes were holden that they should not know him." Along the way, He taught them what the Word of God said about His death, burial, and resurrection. However, they did not recognize Him until He blessed the meal.
And it came to pass, as he sat at meat with them, he took bread, and blessed it, and brake, and gave to them. And their eyes were opened, and they knew him; and he vanished out of their sight. (Luke 24:30, 31)
There's a revelation of Christ in communion, "...this is my body, which is broken for you: this do in remembrance of me." (1Co 11:24)
How often do we do this? "For as often as ye eat this bread, and drink this cup, ye do shew the Lord's death till he come." (I Cor 11:26)
Why are we taking commmunion to the State Capitols? America needs a revelation of Jesus -- The solution is in the cup!
Testimony From Indiana
SEAL America event #3 is now complete and God's Spirit will continue its work here in Indianapolis. I was pleased to be a part of this communion service. May we each continue to be blessed as we bless those around us. Go in peace and serve the Lord!-Pastor Paul-
Testimony From Michigan
I am supporting you and would like to partner with you throughout the year in serious prayer. My name is Nancy Skoviera, I'm a member of Pastor Tom Rouse's Lighthouse Faith Center in Ironwood. This is an exciting endevor, some of us will be seeing you in Madison Saturday morning. Please let me know the prayer requests so I can be in agreement with you and start calling out to God.
In Him -- Nancy
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Day 20 -- SEAL America
We arrived in Columbus late last night. We will have two extra days this week to get ready for event #4.
Meanwhile, Mrs. Huggins is moving forward with The SEAL America Campaign Headquarters in Tulsa, Oklahoma. She is staffing up and preparing for an increase of activity. Volunteers are coming to help SEAL America's blessings.
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Day 19 -- SEAL America (PM)
Indianapolis Communion Service, Indianapolis, IN
"And the blood shall be to you for a token upon the houses where you are..." (Exodus 12:13)
Today, believing-believers from different parts of Indiana and Michigan gathered at the Indiana State House. Most had never met; but they're all cut from the same bolt of cloth -- Spirit-lead people, every one.
In repressive countries, believing-believers meet in secret. Meeting places are randomly changed to avoid arrest and persecution. That's why they're called the underground church -- they're hidden. Many times, the only way believers can locate other believing-believers is by the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit is at work in America bringing believing-believers together -- not in secret; but openly. Nevertheless, it's the same drawing-power of the Holy Spirit at work. We attend different churches, we live in different towns, we are different generations; but we end up at the same place, for the same reason... to SEAL America with the Blood of the Lamb. It's always the believing-believers who respond. They recognize the hand of God at work.
The hand of God was upon our gethering in the Indiana State House. Each of us sensed the urgency of the call, and the importance of the act of lifting the Cup of Blessing above the Indiana Government House. The Blood of the Lamb was applied to doorposts of the State House. This Sate House will never be the same.
We have forty-seven States to go, plus the National Capitol. We are already headed towards Columbus, Ohio -- the next capitol on The SEAL America Campaign. I can't wait to meet the ones who will answer the call to SEAL the Ohio State House; but I will know them when I see them.
Thank you for your prayers and encouragement. Though you may not stand with us physically, you stand with us spiritually, and you participate in other ways: you pray, you spread the word, and you contribute financially. You're part of the New Move. Thank you for doing your part to keep it moving.
Follow us all year long, via internet (, as we travel to all fifty states and Washington DC. Please contact us: you have resources can help The SEAL America Campaign. Also, let your friends know what God is doing: they will be encouraged to know that there's a solution for America -- "The solution's in the cup."
Friday, January 18, 2008
Day 18 -- SEAL America
A few hours from SEAL America event #3 -- Indianapolis, Indiana
I'm at rest, confident that we did what we could to get ready for this event. When we get more volunteers, we will make more contacts. However, God is our sufficiency, and He has a drawing power. "No one can come to the Father except the Spirit draw Him."
Jesus returned from His temptation in the wilderness in the "power of the Spirit." The scripture says, "A fame went before Him." That's God's drawing power. When Jesus went to Tiberias, the people followed Him. When He returned to capernaum, they followed Him.
The Lord is leading us; therefore we can say with Paul, "Follow me as I follow Christ."
Tomorrow, we will see what the Lord has done while we slept. He doesn't sleep, "He seals our instructions at bedtime, while we sleep." Indiana will awaken to a new day, tomorrow. Then, after Indiana's believing-believers lift the Cup of Blessing above their State House, and the Blood of Jesus is struck over the doorposts, everything will change.
I encourage you to pray for Indiana. Some churches are having communion every Saturday, at the same time we are having communion at the State House. They know, Seal America isn't for a weekend -- It's a nation-wide blessing that will continue far beyond our expectations.
Make a call, today. Tell someone about SEAL America.
Read All the Content
SCROLL DOWN to view all the videos (there are several), and to hear Ben Ferrel's beautiful new song, "Come and Dine"
Day 18 -- SEAL America
If you have been following the SEAL America Campaign - National Communion 2008, you know what it is. Read the website , and re-read this blog (from day one), and you'll have a grasp what this is. It's a real move of God, and it may very well change the USA. However, God wants believing-believers to "publish the good news."
LET'S GO VIRAL! Here are eight things you can do:
- e-mail all your friends the SEAL America links, tell them what God is doing, and encourage them forward your e-mail to their friends...
- Become a rain-maker -- start pumping information out on the web, start your own blog, or website and link to
- Send our video to your friends, and ask them to suscribe to our feeds
- Join the SEAL AMERICA TEAM forum (Google Group -- see side-bar). We welcome your thoughts and ideas on getting the word out
- Become a state coordinator or volunteer: click here VOLUNTEER or call 1-888-NEW-MOVE and we will discuss how you can help the SEAL AmericaCampaign in your state
- Ask your Pastor or Youth Leader to get involved with the SEAL America Campaign
- Download posters from (see side-bar), print them up, and pass them out
- If you are from Indiana, bring a carload of people to the State Capitol this Saturday, 19th, 11:23 AM (dress warm -- we're having communion rain or shine)
America needs your help and prayers
Exceeded my Expectations! (Noah from Wisconsin)
From: Noah --
I was at the gathering on Saturday, and just wanted to say it exceeded my expectations in every way. I am so glad that Madison was the first event of the SEAL America tour, and I am extremely grateful to have been a part of what God is doing. Thanks Jeremy and Ambassador Huggins for following the call of God!
Testimony From Stalwart Youth (Andrew from Michigan)
Andrew said...
Dr. Huggins I am the stalwart youth in your blog. This thing is amazing and my generation is taking back America and it is starting by people like you paving the way for us. Thanks for all you do and God will bless you beyond your wildest dreams. I am prayin for ya. by the way, this was my 21st b'day and it was the best one ever.
LeSEA Network Interview
Larry Huggins SEAL America interview on the Harvest Show, LeSEA Network -- Jan 17, 2008
Download File
Thursday, January 17, 2008
- Indiana TV Spot,
- Harvest Show Interview
- Special SEAL AMERICA Video (don't miss this!)
- "Come and Dine" Beautiful, orginal song by Ben Ferrell
- Storm Troopers Video (SEAL America Channel/side-bar)
- Pastor Ted Rouse Video Testimony
(scroll down to read article by Pastor Dennis Toyne -- it's an eye-opener)
Indianapolis TV Spot
30 second SEAL America spot -- WHMB 40 / LeSEA Broadcasting -- Indianapolis, IN
Download File
Day 18 -- SEAL America
SEAL of GOD -- By Pastor Dennis Toyne, Greenbay, Wisconsin
This will bless you -- a riviting and insightful article submitted by a friend of SEAL America:
Cornerstone Family Church
Green Bay, WI.
Why stand on the seal in the state capital buildings? What’s the big deal about having communion over the seal any way? Why all the fuss over stepping foot on the seal in the state capital? What is Larry Huggins doing this for? What is the significance of this?
Maybe you have asked yourself this question and many more when you heard of the mandate God has given Brother Larry. I believe it is worth while to explore some information on this and also some Bible verses. When we see the reasoning of the Word, we will be better able to apply our faith toward this event. What Brother Larry and many of us are doing is something that is supernatural, something spiritual, and something holy. It is not a political campaign, but a step to reclaim the spiritual heritage the founding fathers gave in the beginning of our nation.
Romans 4: 11. “And he (Abraham) received the sign of circumcision, a seal of the righteousness of the faith”……… Abraham started this faith walk when he received the sign of circumcision. God gave him this sign in order to seal him in his righteous faith. This seal opened him up to receive all the future blessings God had in store for him and his offspring, especially the land of Israel.
Remember that God told Abraham in Genesis 13: 17 “Arise, walk through the land in the length of it and in the breadth of it; for I will give it unto thee.” So we see here that God told Abraham to walk on the land, claim it for himself and his offspring. God supernaturally and spiritually gave this property to him. In other words, it was like a supernatural seal on the sole of Abraham’s feet. Abraham had full faith that his offspring would inhabit this piece of property. Which they did over and over again in the centuries of history which we can easily see. No nation has ever been able to keep Israel out of their land or annihilate them forever.
Fast forward a few hundred years; God again made the promise to the children of Israel through Moses in Deut. 11: 24. “Every place whereon the soles of your feet shall tread shall be yours:” Then again in Joshua 1: 3. “Every place that the sole of your foot shall tread upon, that have I given unto you, as I said unto Moses.” This promise came because of the sure seal of the blood of the covenant. Abraham’s circumcision and his willingness to enter into covenant with God. Later in Moses’ time the seal was of the blood of the Passover Lamb, the covenant instituted with Israel.
Briefly, because Abraham walked through the land by faith and everywhere he put his foot he claimed it for God and his people. Here is the principle; Abraham claimed the land by the blood covenant, then Moses re-claimed the Promised Land by the Blood of the Lamb and by walking through the land. Then Joshua years later, (the next generation), claimed the covenant and the land by walking through it and possessing it.
Here’s the two-fold principle; First, we are sealed with the seal of the Eternal sacrifice of Jesus’ Blood. By this sealing blood, we have heavens’ approval to claim heaven’s benefits and forgiveness for earth. Secondly; Even though God had given Abraham the land, the next generation had to be willing to enter into covenant again with God and then go put their foot on the soil. The leader or representative of Israel had to claim the land for the people once again. So, as Christian leaders along with Brother Larry have communion, it is a sign of the covenant we have through the blood of Jesus. Also it is a seal to place the sole of our feet on the seal of the state capitol. It is a sign of asking Jesus to be Lord over all the governments of the state. After all Isaiah 9:6 “the government shall be upon HIS shoulder”.
When Abraham, Moses, and Joshua stood on the land proclaiming their allegiance to God, all heaven recorded this. It became an everlasting covenant between God and man. Now even if you are having a hard time believing in this kind of principle. Let me approach it from a different angle. Is God interested in saving America? More specifically; Is God interested in the affairs of your state? Yes, I believe He is. Ezekiel 22: 30. “And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none.” After seeing this kind of verse, we can easily agree that someone, if not all of us should pray for our leaders in government. But also, willingly give our state to the Lordship of Christ.
Something about communion: When we partake of the bread and the fruit of the vine, we are entering into a sacred covenant with God. We are coming to Him with one of the most holy, most powerful, most awesome covenants we could ever make. Abraham and Moses and Joshua looked forward by faith to the Messiah coming as the lamb. But we have the reality that Jesus has come as our sacrificial lamb and Savior. When Brother Larry and other leaders place their feet on the state seal and partake of communion, I believe there are real spiritual events that take place. 1. We will confess our need for a Savior over the entire state. 2. We will confess our sins as a state. 3. We will stand in the gap for our state, asking God for mercy. 4. We will arrest spiritual wickedness in high places. (Eph. 6:10-19) 5. We will exalt the name of Jesus, asking Him to place angels and the Holy Spirit to control the land. 6. We will once again ask God to take control of our land and leaders of government. 7. We will seal the state seal with the Blood of Jesus and the Body of Christ and with the Holy Spirit. (Eph. 1:13)
Like Abraham, Moses, and Joshua, we will arise and have covenant with God through communion. Like Abraham, Moses, and Joshua, we will also arise and walk through the land claiming it and all inhabitants to be under the Lordship of Jesus Christ. As this is performed, angels will be released, demons arrested and spiritual powers must cease their work. Why? Because the people of God dared to Seal the State Seal with the Blood of Jesus. As Ezekiel 22:30 I looked for a man to stand in the gap and make up the hedge. Will you be one to stand in the gap and make up the hedge?
We have created a forum for people to discuss The SEAL America Campaign -- National Communion 2008. Your insights are welcome; SEAL AMERICA TEAM (Google Group) see sidebar:
Come and Dine
A special invitation from God, delivered by His messenger, Ben Ferrell -- SEAL America Advisor
MP3 File
Day 16 -- SEAL America
LeSEA Broadcasting
We drove to South Bend last night. I have been invited to appear on the Harvest Show, this morning. Of course I will talk about SEAL America. This will give me an opportunity to speak to more people about the New Move.
Afterwards we will tape some Oublic Service Announcements to air in the Indianapolis area. We have two days remainingbefore the Indianapolis event.
Contact everyone you know about SEAL America -- we will be in their State Capitol for National Communion 2008.
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Day 15 -- SEAL America
Beautiful SEAL America Video
You have to view this video -- it was beautifully crafted by one of our anointed, young team-members. SEAL America belongs to the young people of America, as well as the older generations. This is their cause, and we welcome their involvement.
Do you want to make a contribution? Contact us. Do you know someone who should be involved? Have them contact us. SEAL America is for all Americans, and we all need to participate.
Download File
Day 15 -- SEAL America
The trip from Michigan went well, although it snowed lightly. Now we're in Indianapolis, Indiana. We met with eight area pastors for lunch. Although they didn't know us, they received us, and they seemed open to helping. Five of them offered to mobilize people in their respective congregations as best as they can, considering we have only three days to work.
Tomorrow we will contact area media outlets and send out press releases. I expect to speak with other Christian leaders, too.
You can help: If you know anyone in Indiana, please do what you can to tell them about SEAL America and get them out on Saturday, 19, 11:23 a.m. It's not too early to contact people in Ohio for the 26th, event.
Monday, January 14, 2008
Day 14 -- SEAL America
Young Americans are hungry for change. Pastor Karl Barancik and I drove to Jan More's church. There were three times as many young people in the service than older people. The service was all about them.
I was able to preach deeper revelation than normal, because I didn't have to dumb down the message for the older generation. Young people have the ability to grasp the most profound concepts. We err in thinking that they want to be entertained every minute adn bribed to attend church with pizza and video games. Young people are hungry for truth, significance and relevance.
My promise has always been, "I will never talk down to you, I will never talk down to you, and I will never call you kids." There is no such thing as a teenager. In America we have created a cultural subset that is not biblical, and needs to be fixed. There are only two catagories: children and adults. What we classify as "teenager" are young adults, and should be treated as such.
I cringe every time I hear athe question, "What do you want to be when you grow up?" A better question is, "What are you all about -- what turns you on -- where are you going with your life?" They are not sub-humans, waiting to morf into real humans when then reach some arbitrary age. Our American society has created a peter-pan generation of sub-adults with arrested development. Some, especially young men, are still behave as adolescents even in their forties... ridiculous! Whose fault is that?
In an earlier When we were an agrarian nation, young adults worked beside their parents. They learned the value of work, and shouldered responsibility. The need for meaning and revelance hasn't gone away -- it's being ignored. That's why the sub-cultures spring up, because young people are not invited into our main-stream society. They hear, in many different ways, "What do you know, you're just a kid?"
I'll tell you what they know: They know hyprocracy when they see it. They know religion has no power. They know the problems in America were not their doing. They know America needs to be fixed, and they are being left out of the process. "Here, have a pizza and watch this video while your leaders allow this country to become even more intolerable."
My mission is to empower young Americans to participate in the renewal -- now! SEAL America is for everyone who loves God and wants to see America restored.
John said, "Young men [and women], I have called you because you are strong." The older men and women are called because they have more experience. Experience is something you can't get in the classroom. You get it in the crucible of life. Strength and wisdom is what must have. That means we need older and younger adults working together to effect change in our natioon.
SEAL America is not a youth movement. It is for all generations of Amerrican Christians. We must work side by side and shoulder the responsibility, equally. I invite the young adults of America to take hold of this vision. It's your opportunity to position America for real, lasting change, and seal or blessings.
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Day 11 -- SEAL America (PM)
Dateline: Lansing, MI
Today, history was made: The Lansing, Michigan State Capitol was sealed by the Blood of Jesus. Two-hundred and twenty believing-believers, and twenty pastors, gathered outside the State House, lifted the Cup of Blessing on behalf of themselves, their elected representatives, and their public servants. Then something shifted in the heavenlies.
The solemn assembly, gathered under the overcast January sky, hearkened to former age -- as if we were in the time of John Wesley or Charles Finney. After being in so many canned, planned, slammed gospel events; it was refreshing to be part of a simple, sincere, service for God. Ther were no speeches, no screeches, no hype. You would have loved it.
We lifted our voices in unison and sang, There's Power in the Blood, and the words rang through the streets. Wow! The Blood has not lost its power. Some songs are sung best when they're sung outdoors. America the Beautiful is more poignant when sung, as we sang it, under the open heavens, from our hearts -- not as a part of a program, but for love of God and love of Country. They were more than mere songs, they were prayers. We sang, not just for ourselves, but for you, and all who could not be present on this special day.
We held hands as we sang, and the sun came out, and instantly it became a warm, beautiful day. At that moment we, we were neither Baptists, nor Methodists, nor Charismatics. We were one bread and one body, and we were Americans. You should have been there.
Tody the pastors stood as true men of God. You would have been proud of them. They stood tall, and they spoke for what is right, and good, and true, and they told us, in different ways, There's only one solution for America -- it's in the blood of Jesus. They spoke with wisdom, and conviction, and faith. You should have heard them.
I've never seen men stand taller than I saw them today, as they humbled themselves before God, and led us in open, public Holy Communion. It was transforming. I'm glad I was there.
Today as we made history. We made an indelible mark. The Blood of Jesus has been applied to the Statehouse, and it cannot be removed. Today we set the pecking order straight: God was lifted up, and demons were cast down. Today we applied the Blood of the Lamb to the doorpost of Michigan, and there's no place for the destroyer to land!
Prayers were prayed, declarations were made, and holy hands were laid upon the granite stones of the temple of man. Oh yes, we covered the highest house in the state. Now the blood flows to the lowest valley.
In a special moment, our sons and daughters came forward, onto the steps, and we surrounded them with faith and love. Then we apologized to them for having allowed America to sink in a morass. Then the elders prayed for the younger, and hope sprang anew. Afterwards, one stalwart youth said to me, "Thank you Dr. Hugins for apologizing to my generation. It means so much to us. We are the generation that's going to take back America, I promise."
Young poeple are getting it -- SEAL America is their Campaign. It's their opportunity to be part of the solution. Pockets of young people are popping up all over. They are pumping up the volume and publishing the word -- waking up a new generation of Americans
SEAL America is for all of us. It's for you and your kin, and your community, and your country -- not just for a week -- for the long haul. If you're not in the move, get in the move!
Tell everyone you know, and watch it grow, until all America knows! Remember, life goes where the blood flows. There's life flowing in the SEAL America Campaign. Let's keep it flowing without restriction, and without interruption. Week after week, it will circulate through the arterries and the vessels of the USA, until the sleeping giant awakens, and shakes herself again.
Friends, this our opportunity to make a difference. God is giving America another chance. It may be our best chance (it may be our only chance). Tell me: If not us, then who? If not now, then when?
Let's keep lifting up the cup of blessing, all year -- in your church, in your home, and in concert with the move. When we partake of communion from state house to state house, you partake in your house, and the blood Jesus will SEAL America, and guarentee our posterity.
Now the Holy Spirit has pointed our faces towards Indianapolis, Indiana. I know He will draw believing-believers together in Indianapolisis; I've seen Him do it in Madison and Lansing.
Yes, please stand with us in Indianapolis or Columbus, if you can. If you can't travel, then get connected in prayer, or team up with us by investing in the blessing. We are in this together.
Friday, January 11, 2008
Day 11 -- SEAL America
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Storm Troopers
Ambassador Huggins and Jeremy Barancik are caught in a winter storm as the SEAL America campaign travels from Wisconsin to Michigan.
Download File
DAY 8 -- SEAL America
The SEAL America Campaign -- National Communion 2008 --was launched successfully in Madison, Wisconsin. Prayer works -- there were no problems.
Thursday, just prior to our event, the temperature dropped to ten-degrees below zero (wind chill). The day of our event it was a balmy thirty-eight degrees.
No one demonstrated against us, the officials at the Capitol cooperated with us, and we had a great crowd. The unity was tangible. I've been in a lot of ministry events, in my thirty-four years of ministry; but this event had a special quality -- a sense of destiny, and purpose.
We left Madison with new friends, new contacts and new partners. I expected the SEAL America momentum to build -- over time. However, this was explosive. If you are still just watching and listening, please take the next step and hook up with this historic move.
- How can you hook up? First of all, go to and sign up. You can enter your general contact information, or you can navigate to the volunteer sign up page and begin the dialog to identify how you can best help os move this blessing accross America.
- The second way you can help, is start networking, now. Please call, talk, write, or e-mail everyone you know, and (this is important) imress upon them that they must network with their friends, and keep this information moving through the internet. The word is "Buzz!" we need all the buzz we can get.
- The third way you can help is prayer. Begin praying for the SEAL America campaign , and all the people who are involved in it. Remember, we are traveling to every state capitol in the USA -- more than 15,000 miles by motor coach. We have to organize hundreds of events: church services, breakfast and banquet events, an communion services. Let's cover all this with prayer. Please recruit all the REAL intercessors that you know.
- The forth way you can help is through information and relationships. We need rainmakers in very state capitol -- Christian Leaders, Business People, and public servants. Please have them contact us (It's better if they contact us). Point themn to the website or 1-888-NEW-MOVE. Tell them to say, "I want to be a rain-maker."
- Another way to help is by investing in the blessing: One time gifts and/or monthly financial support. You can give online through Also, you can recruit other, qualified donors who might want to help SEAL America. We can use unused frequent flyer awards, and hotel vouchers. We can use a second motor coach for a second road crew. We can use a tow vehicle (Jeep), computers, equipment, supplies, services, etc.
- One last way to help is to start a SEAL Team in your area, and begin recruiting people to attend the Capitol Communion event in your area. They can come by the carload, vanload and busload. Let's see who can bring the biggest group.
Don't forget, there will be a great Christmas Communion at the Capitol Celebration in Washington DC, December 20, 2008. Plan to attend!
SEAL America Testimony
Pastor Ted Rouse speaks about event Number One -- Madison, WI, event
Download File
Sunday, January 6, 2008
Larry Huggins Radio Interview
Listen to a SEAL America, telephone/radio interview of Larry Huiggins, with Mike Powers Afternoon Host Life 102.5 WNWC Madison WI -- 01/03/2008
MP3 File
Day 5 -- SEAL America
Today we held the first SEAL America -- National Communion 2008 event. It was a smashing success. It exceeded our expectations, every way. The turn-out was excellent -- a great crowd. People came by carload, vanload, and busload. Some came from hours away. Many different churches were represented, and many pastors stood with us. It was aparent that everyone was on a mission to launch a campaign to bring Spiritual awakening to America. This is the time.
The feeling in the air invoked an earlier era -- a time of simplicity, sincerity, and dignity. We prayed, we sang songs about the Blood of Jesus, we lifted our hands, and we lifted the cup of blessing above Madison, and the USA. The communion service was powerful in an extraordinary way. It had a profound impact on all of us, to do this -- not behind closed doors --but openly, and unashamedly. It was humbling, uplifting, and empowering -- all at once.
The one thing that we heard again and again was, "We need this -- America needs this -- this is the answer to our prayers -- we've been waiting for something like this -- I saw this in my spirit..." Many asked. "What can I do to help this spread SEAL America across the land."
It was a blessing to see scores of young people present. Different ones asked if they could volunteer to help the campaign, and to bring other young people to future events. Several young people were from Ohio. They're returning to Ohio with the mission to work to make the Ohio event a success -- to get young people mobilized.
There was more that happened -- too, much to tell, really. We'll have a few video clips posted soon. Also, the website is up (phase one), and the toll-free number is online.
We are looking for opportunities to share on TV, interview on Radio, and to publish on other websites. If you can help open media doors, please contact us right away. If you want to tell other organizations about us -- feel free.
We didn't ask for money, but people began stuffing gifts in our hands, and asking if they can be our partners, monthly. We said, "Yes, thank you." One couple offered to donate frequent-flyer awards. Thank God, we can use all of the hotel and air vouchers we can get -- also a second bus and a tow-car (Jeep). More than anything we need your prayers, and your help spreading the news.
Blessings! Ambassador Huggins
Thursday, January 3, 2008
Day 2 -- SEAL America
Abraham left his birthplace to look for "A city with foundations, whose builder and make was God." There are two archetypes of cities: Babel and Bethel. There are two architects: Nimrod, and God. Nimord, the mighty hunter against God, was the founder of the Babylon -- a secular-humanist city, was created to wall God out of the affairs of men. Whereas, the New Jerusalem was created by the Prince of Peace to welcome men into the affairs of God.
An ancient instinct compells me towards Bethel. I've traveled all my life, and I've been to thousands of cities. At the root, they are all fortresses against God. People are too drunk with power, too driven ambition, and too distracted by lust to think much about heaven. Who stands to gain when men loose their souls?
In 2008, SEAL America will travel to fifty-one, sgnificant, secular cities -- every one an important capitol. Why? To cover them with the blood of the lamb, in the hope that the cities of this world will become the cities of our God. One day, Heavenly Jerusalem will descend upon earthly Jerusalem -- the city of God will eclipse the city of man. Until then, we can pray, "Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven."
Jeremy Barancik arrived, yesterday, and hit the ground running. We worked the phones all afternoon.Last night we had a miracle-communion communion service, at Spirit of Faith Church – Powerful! Today, is the breakfast for friends of SEAL America.
Larry Huggins
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. (Gal 6:9)
Everyone get's weary. Everyone's tempted to quit. However, quitting isn't an option. You're staying in the race, right? The real question is, "When is my due season?"
- Moses' due season began the day he heard God say, "I will send thee unto Pharaoh..."
- Joseph's due season began the day he heard Pharaoh say, "...I have set thee over all the land of Egypt."
- David's due season began the day he said to Goliath, "This day will the LORD deliver thee into mine hand."
- Gideon's due season began the day he heard the angel say, "The LORD is with thee, thou mighty man of valour.
- Paul's due season began the day he heard the Lord say, "I am Jesus whom thou persecutest..."
- My due season began when I heard the Holy Spirit say, "Go to every state capitol and SEAL America, with the Blood of the Lamb."
New Year's resolutions won't launch you into a new era: obeying th Holy Spirit will launch you into a new era. 2008 can be the greatest era of you life.