SEAL of GOD -- By Pastor Dennis Toyne, Greenbay, Wisconsin
This will bless you -- a riviting and insightful article submitted by a friend of SEAL America:
Sealing the Seal
By Pastor Dennis Toyne
Cornerstone Family Church
Green Bay, WI.
Why stand on the seal in the state capital buildings? What’s the big deal about having communion over the seal any way? Why all the fuss over stepping foot on the seal in the state capital? What is Larry Huggins doing this for? What is the significance of this?
Maybe you have asked yourself this question and many more when you heard of the mandate God has given Brother Larry. I believe it is worth while to explore some information on this and also some Bible verses. When we see the reasoning of the Word, we will be better able to apply our faith toward this event. What Brother Larry and many of us are doing is something that is supernatural, something spiritual, and something holy. It is not a political campaign, but a step to reclaim the spiritual heritage the founding fathers gave in the beginning of our nation.
Romans 4: 11. “And he (Abraham) received the sign of circumcision, a seal of the righteousness of the faith”……… Abraham started this faith walk when he received the sign of circumcision. God gave him this sign in order to seal him in his righteous faith. This seal opened him up to receive all the future blessings God had in store for him and his offspring, especially the land of Israel.
Remember that God told Abraham in Genesis 13: 17 “Arise, walk through the land in the length of it and in the breadth of it; for I will give it unto thee.” So we see here that God told Abraham to walk on the land, claim it for himself and his offspring. God supernaturally and spiritually gave this property to him. In other words, it was like a supernatural seal on the sole of Abraham’s feet. Abraham had full faith that his offspring would inhabit this piece of property. Which they did over and over again in the centuries of history which we can easily see. No nation has ever been able to keep Israel out of their land or annihilate them forever.
Fast forward a few hundred years; God again made the promise to the children of Israel through Moses in Deut. 11: 24. “Every place whereon the soles of your feet shall tread shall be yours:” Then again in Joshua 1: 3. “Every place that the sole of your foot shall tread upon, that have I given unto you, as I said unto Moses.” This promise came because of the sure seal of the blood of the covenant. Abraham’s circumcision and his willingness to enter into covenant with God. Later in Moses’ time the seal was of the blood of the Passover Lamb, the covenant instituted with Israel.
Briefly, because Abraham walked through the land by faith and everywhere he put his foot he claimed it for God and his people. Here is the principle; Abraham claimed the land by the blood covenant, then Moses re-claimed the Promised Land by the Blood of the Lamb and by walking through the land. Then Joshua years later, (the next generation), claimed the covenant and the land by walking through it and possessing it.
Here’s the two-fold principle; First, we are sealed with the seal of the Eternal sacrifice of Jesus’ Blood. By this sealing blood, we have heavens’ approval to claim heaven’s benefits and forgiveness for earth. Secondly; Even though God had given Abraham the land, the next generation had to be willing to enter into covenant again with God and then go put their foot on the soil. The leader or representative of Israel had to claim the land for the people once again. So, as Christian leaders along with Brother Larry have communion, it is a sign of the covenant we have through the blood of Jesus. Also it is a seal to place the sole of our feet on the seal of the state capitol. It is a sign of asking Jesus to be Lord over all the governments of the state. After all Isaiah 9:6 “the government shall be upon HIS shoulder”.
When Abraham, Moses, and Joshua stood on the land proclaiming their allegiance to God, all heaven recorded this. It became an everlasting covenant between God and man. Now even if you are having a hard time believing in this kind of principle. Let me approach it from a different angle. Is God interested in saving America? More specifically; Is God interested in the affairs of your state? Yes, I believe He is. Ezekiel 22: 30. “And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none.” After seeing this kind of verse, we can easily agree that someone, if not all of us should pray for our leaders in government. But also, willingly give our state to the Lordship of Christ.
Something about communion: When we partake of the bread and the fruit of the vine, we are entering into a sacred covenant with God. We are coming to Him with one of the most holy, most powerful, most awesome covenants we could ever make. Abraham and Moses and Joshua looked forward by faith to the Messiah coming as the lamb. But we have the reality that Jesus has come as our sacrificial lamb and Savior. When Brother Larry and other leaders place their feet on the state seal and partake of communion, I believe there are real spiritual events that take place. 1. We will confess our need for a Savior over the entire state. 2. We will confess our sins as a state. 3. We will stand in the gap for our state, asking God for mercy. 4. We will arrest spiritual wickedness in high places. (Eph. 6:10-19) 5. We will exalt the name of Jesus, asking Him to place angels and the Holy Spirit to control the land. 6. We will once again ask God to take control of our land and leaders of government. 7. We will seal the state seal with the Blood of Jesus and the Body of Christ and with the Holy Spirit. (Eph. 1:13)
Like Abraham, Moses, and Joshua, we will arise and have covenant with God through communion. Like Abraham, Moses, and Joshua, we will also arise and walk through the land claiming it and all inhabitants to be under the Lordship of Jesus Christ. As this is performed, angels will be released, demons arrested and spiritual powers must cease their work. Why? Because the people of God dared to Seal the State Seal with the Blood of Jesus. As Ezekiel 22:30 I looked for a man to stand in the gap and make up the hedge. Will you be one to stand in the gap and make up the hedge?
We have created a forum for people to discuss The SEAL America Campaign -- National Communion 2008. Your insights are welcome; SEAL AMERICA TEAM (Google Group) see sidebar:
Cornerstone Family Church
Green Bay, WI.
Why stand on the seal in the state capital buildings? What’s the big deal about having communion over the seal any way? Why all the fuss over stepping foot on the seal in the state capital? What is Larry Huggins doing this for? What is the significance of this?
Maybe you have asked yourself this question and many more when you heard of the mandate God has given Brother Larry. I believe it is worth while to explore some information on this and also some Bible verses. When we see the reasoning of the Word, we will be better able to apply our faith toward this event. What Brother Larry and many of us are doing is something that is supernatural, something spiritual, and something holy. It is not a political campaign, but a step to reclaim the spiritual heritage the founding fathers gave in the beginning of our nation.
Romans 4: 11. “And he (Abraham) received the sign of circumcision, a seal of the righteousness of the faith”……… Abraham started this faith walk when he received the sign of circumcision. God gave him this sign in order to seal him in his righteous faith. This seal opened him up to receive all the future blessings God had in store for him and his offspring, especially the land of Israel.
Remember that God told Abraham in Genesis 13: 17 “Arise, walk through the land in the length of it and in the breadth of it; for I will give it unto thee.” So we see here that God told Abraham to walk on the land, claim it for himself and his offspring. God supernaturally and spiritually gave this property to him. In other words, it was like a supernatural seal on the sole of Abraham’s feet. Abraham had full faith that his offspring would inhabit this piece of property. Which they did over and over again in the centuries of history which we can easily see. No nation has ever been able to keep Israel out of their land or annihilate them forever.
Fast forward a few hundred years; God again made the promise to the children of Israel through Moses in Deut. 11: 24. “Every place whereon the soles of your feet shall tread shall be yours:” Then again in Joshua 1: 3. “Every place that the sole of your foot shall tread upon, that have I given unto you, as I said unto Moses.” This promise came because of the sure seal of the blood of the covenant. Abraham’s circumcision and his willingness to enter into covenant with God. Later in Moses’ time the seal was of the blood of the Passover Lamb, the covenant instituted with Israel.
Briefly, because Abraham walked through the land by faith and everywhere he put his foot he claimed it for God and his people. Here is the principle; Abraham claimed the land by the blood covenant, then Moses re-claimed the Promised Land by the Blood of the Lamb and by walking through the land. Then Joshua years later, (the next generation), claimed the covenant and the land by walking through it and possessing it.
Here’s the two-fold principle; First, we are sealed with the seal of the Eternal sacrifice of Jesus’ Blood. By this sealing blood, we have heavens’ approval to claim heaven’s benefits and forgiveness for earth. Secondly; Even though God had given Abraham the land, the next generation had to be willing to enter into covenant again with God and then go put their foot on the soil. The leader or representative of Israel had to claim the land for the people once again. So, as Christian leaders along with Brother Larry have communion, it is a sign of the covenant we have through the blood of Jesus. Also it is a seal to place the sole of our feet on the seal of the state capitol. It is a sign of asking Jesus to be Lord over all the governments of the state. After all Isaiah 9:6 “the government shall be upon HIS shoulder”.
When Abraham, Moses, and Joshua stood on the land proclaiming their allegiance to God, all heaven recorded this. It became an everlasting covenant between God and man. Now even if you are having a hard time believing in this kind of principle. Let me approach it from a different angle. Is God interested in saving America? More specifically; Is God interested in the affairs of your state? Yes, I believe He is. Ezekiel 22: 30. “And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none.” After seeing this kind of verse, we can easily agree that someone, if not all of us should pray for our leaders in government. But also, willingly give our state to the Lordship of Christ.
Something about communion: When we partake of the bread and the fruit of the vine, we are entering into a sacred covenant with God. We are coming to Him with one of the most holy, most powerful, most awesome covenants we could ever make. Abraham and Moses and Joshua looked forward by faith to the Messiah coming as the lamb. But we have the reality that Jesus has come as our sacrificial lamb and Savior. When Brother Larry and other leaders place their feet on the state seal and partake of communion, I believe there are real spiritual events that take place. 1. We will confess our need for a Savior over the entire state. 2. We will confess our sins as a state. 3. We will stand in the gap for our state, asking God for mercy. 4. We will arrest spiritual wickedness in high places. (Eph. 6:10-19) 5. We will exalt the name of Jesus, asking Him to place angels and the Holy Spirit to control the land. 6. We will once again ask God to take control of our land and leaders of government. 7. We will seal the state seal with the Blood of Jesus and the Body of Christ and with the Holy Spirit. (Eph. 1:13)
Like Abraham, Moses, and Joshua, we will arise and have covenant with God through communion. Like Abraham, Moses, and Joshua, we will also arise and walk through the land claiming it and all inhabitants to be under the Lordship of Jesus Christ. As this is performed, angels will be released, demons arrested and spiritual powers must cease their work. Why? Because the people of God dared to Seal the State Seal with the Blood of Jesus. As Ezekiel 22:30 I looked for a man to stand in the gap and make up the hedge. Will you be one to stand in the gap and make up the hedge?
We have created a forum for people to discuss The SEAL America Campaign -- National Communion 2008. Your insights are welcome; SEAL AMERICA TEAM (Google Group) see sidebar: