SEAL America -- Event Fifty-One
WE FINISHED THE RACE: Congratulations are pouring in from across the USA, including a letter from the President of the United States. We are daily receiving calls and e-mail thanking us for leading the movement to SEAL God's blessings upon every State Capitol in the USA.
RETROSPECTIVE: Tomorrow, it will be one year since I kissed my wife goodbye, and pointed the bus towards Madison, Wisconsin, to launch SEAL America. Since then we have traveled the equivalence of more than twice around the earth, as we crisscrossed the USA and held historic, open, public communion services on the grounds of every State House in the USA and our Nation's Capitol. It has been a significant year.
PATRIOTISM: Our Washington DC Communion Service was powerful. In spite of the forty degree temperature, a great crowd assembled on the Upper Senate Park, adjacent to the Capitol. The air was filed with praise music, as The SEAL America Choir, under the direction of Rev. Doyle Tucker, led us in patriotic and sacred hymns. The pastors and Christian leaders who stood with us greeted the people and prayed. Then we had communion on behalf of our nation and our leaders, everywhere. Words cannot describe the sense of purpose we felt as we proclaimed the benefits of faith in Christ's substitutionary sacrifice that is available for everyone in America and all men everywhere.
TRADE TOWERS: On Christmas Eve, my wife and I traveled to New York City to celebrate Christmas. Yesterday we visited the 9/11 memorial. Neither of us were prepared for the rush of emotions that we felt as we re-lived the tragedy of the attack upon the trade towers. As we stood, with tears in our eyes, we understood more fully why God would ask us to anoint every State House in the USA with the Blood of Jesus. Now that we have applied the Blood of Jesus to every State House in the USA, we expect the plagues of terrorism and economic hardship to pass over our nation. Jesus is our Passover, and as we continue to have faith in Him and God's promises, we expect the livid, luminous, liquid love of God to flow throughout our nation again. "The life of all flesh is in the blood."
THANKSGIVING: My wife and our team are thankful for all who helped SEAL America. Without the prayers, help and encouragement of people like you we would not have been able accomplish our mission. Most of all, we are thankful to God. He guided, provided, and gave us grace to get finish our assignment. Special thanks to Joyce and David Meyer, Ray and Ceci Ramos, Ben Ferrell, Phil Reynolds, Linda Overton, Keith Provance, Jeenergy Jeremy Baracnik, Daniel Rouse, Nick Pidek, Lily Fafita, Rev. Paul Sherrell and Reverend Doyle Tucker. Time will not permit me to mention all who gave their time, money and energy to this campaign...
INVEST IN THE BLESSING: We have our assignment for 2009 and beyond. Watch this blog -- In the days and weeks ahead we will be announcing strategic spiritual developments that will have a significant impact upon all the citizens of the Commonwealth of Christ. We consider you to be our partner, and we welcome your continued participation.
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
SEAL America -- Week Fifty-One
Together we have done it! We covered all fifty states, plus Washington DC, with the Blood of Jesus, through open, public communion services.
In a show of faith, hope and national unity, a wonderful, enthusiastic crowd assembled at the Upper Senate Park, adjacent to the US Capitol, in Washington DC, and celebrated communion on behalf of our nation. Everyone agreed, it was a successful and historic event on every score.
President George W. Bush honored us with a beautiful Presidential Letter, commending all who participated in the SEAL America Campaign. Christian Leaders from Washington DC, Maryland and Virginia stood with us, as did Pastors and believers from various states accross the USA.
Our campaign logged mileage equivalent to more than twice around the earth as we traveled to every State Capitol and Washington DC. We were on schedule and on time for every event, and, although these were outdoor events, we were never rained-out.
We did this together: Hundreds of volunteer associates contributed their time and and talent, as our friends and partners surrounded us with faith and love, and generously contributed financially to the success of this historic campaign.
For the first time in history, we can say that God's blessings upon America have been SEALED by the Blood of Jesus through nation-wide, capitol communion services.
Along the way we made thousands of new friends, and connected with God's choice servants, and regional and national Christian leaders. America is blessed to have a large cadre of men, women and young people who are true Christian patriots. America is blessed to have a remnant (not a small remnant) who pray in faith and have great expectations for our nation and our friends around the world. Surely the glory of the latter house will be greater than the former house.
This is a new beginning: SEAL America has significant objectives for the coming year. Namely, we will be working to raise the awareness of the importance of Holy Spirit communion services in the local church, and continuing to lobby for a Presidential Proclamation and National Day of Communion (plus other goals that we will share in the months ahead).
As we approached the Washington DC National Communion event, our work-load increased dramatically and our priorities centered upon our main objective -- SEALING our Nation's Capitol. As soon as we are able, we will post pictures and video of the final events. However Mrs Huggins and I are going to take a much-needed vacation, and celebrate Christmas together.
I spent a total of three-hundred and fifty-five days on the road with SEAL America. My wife had the responsibility of managing our campaign office from Tulsa, Oklahoma, as well as managing our ministry and our personal business. She is looking forward to our time together.
Jeremy Barancik traveled with me and assisted me for the first five months of the Campaign, until his marriage to Crystal. Rev. Daniel Rouse, who was our Associate Campaign Director, left our National Office, and joined me on the road for the final seven months of the Campaign. He will conduct our campaign follow-up during the Month of January, and return to Ironwood, Michigan, to resume his position as Associate Pastor at his father's church. Nick Pidek traveled with us for six weeks. He has joined our team and will working with us in conjunction with his University's co-op program. Lily Fifita assisted my wife in our Tulsa Office as she attended Bible School.
Have a blessed, Christ-centered Christmas. I encourage you to make time to have a Christmas Communion service with your church, and with your friends and family.
Ambassador Huggins
Thursday, December 18, 2008
SEAL America -- FINAL 2008 EVENT!
View the National Communion Service LIVE!
11:23 AM (EST), Washington DC -- Saturday, December 20, 2008
We will be broadcasting the last SEAL America even LIVE via internet at http://www.mogulus.com/sealamerica
Join others, accross America, who will be participating in the communion service, live, via the internet. Have communion with us, from your home or church. Hear the SEAL America Choir, directed by Rev. Doyle Tucker. Watch as people SEAL God's blessings upon the USA from our Nation's Capitol.
PLEASE NOTE: We will be streaming live, from the Capitol, via cell phone - so the video will not be high quality.
Monday, December 15, 2008
SEAL America -- Week Fifty
The Seal America Campaign has conducted opnen, public communion services at every state capitol in the USA. The remaining event is the Natinal Communion Cellebration in Washington DC, next Saturday at 11:23 AM.
This has been a monmuntal task that invlved thousands of America Chritians who love America and were willing to present themselves at state capitols and share in Holy Communion on behalf of themselves and Americans everywhere; thus sealing God's blessings upon America.
This is a year of great change in our country and the world. It's significant that the Holy Spirit would direct believers to join together accros America in historic cmmunion services. We have prayed for every governor, every state legislature, every state judiciary, and all the branches of state government, and all the citizens of every state.
If the Blood of Jesus is powerful, then SEAL America is powerful. If the Blood of Jesus is important, then SEAL America is important. If the Blood of Jesus is eternal, then SEAL America has had an eternal impact upon our fifty states.
Thank you for your prayers, encouragement and support. Now, stand with us as we SEAL our nation's capitol with the Blood of Jesus. Consider having communion with us, from your home or church, with your family and friends, at 11:23 AM (EST).
If you have contacts in the DC area, please contact them and encourage them to attend our National Communion Celebration. If you wish to invest in the blessing, please use the link in the sidebar.
Friday, December 12, 2008
SEAL America -- Washington DC
SEAL America has held Communion-events in New Jersey and Virginia in the past two weeks. I haven't posted blogs lately because this has been a very busy time n our campaign. In addition to the weekly state events, I've been on the road in California, Oklahoma and Texas... Thanks for your prayers.
Tomorrow we will SEAL Annapolis, Maryland. If you have friends in the area, send them to the Capitol, only this event has been moved up to 10:00 AM, as requested by the State of Maryland.
Washington DC! One week from tomorrow is our final SEAL America 2008 event. We will have a Victory Rally at the University of Maryland on Friday, then we will have our historic, Christmas Communion at the Capitol Celebration in the Upper Senate Park, adjacent to the Capitol, at 11:23 AM. We are expecting God to do great things. We are helping prepare America for Spiritual Awakening during this season of change that's upon our nation and the world.
The SEAL America Choir and various Christian Artists will perform a medley of patriotic hymns and seasonal songs, under the direction of Rev. Doyle Tucker.
It's not too late to be with us in Washington. See our website for details: http://www.sealamerica.org/
Friday, November 21, 2008
SEAL America -- Day 327
SEAL America -- Week Forty-Six

Wednesday, November 12, 2008
SEAL America -- Day 317
The Other Side of The Campaign
The Ambassador RV (that's really the model name) has served the SEAL America Campaign well. In fact, we could not have done this campaign without this versitile tool. It has been our mobile command center, office, and studio, and home-away-from-home. We have logged nearly fifty thousand miles, in every climate available -- from artic weather to tropical -- from below sea level to a mile and a half above sea level. Six different people have been aboard for various legs of the journey. However, we have had only three persons at any given time (two's a crowd!).
Here's the SEAL America Motor Coach getting much needed exterior detail, last week. The interrior is next on our our list. We plan to have the carpets professionally cleaned, and the interrior professionally detailed.
Although we have used the RV continuously, we have had no major mechanical problems. However, the RV is presently in the shop getting the auxlillary generator repaired. Since most RV Campgrounds are closed for the winter, being able to generate our own electricity is vital.
Minor work remaining to be done: We need to replace two more tires ASAP. repair closet door, repair cabinet hardware, repair dining room chair, repair step cover, repair retractable steps, repair hand rail, replace windshield, minor body work, replace exterrior shower hose.
We are relieved to see fuel prices dropping!
SEAL America -- Day 317
Providence, RI -- we were welcomed by several groups of committed American Christians. The State Rep for the National Day of Prayer was present. The Rhode Island NDP had just finished a week of scripture reading at the Capitol, and were excited that they were able to SEAL their efforts by sharing communion at the SEAL America Rhode Island event with other believers.
Presidential Proclamation: A personal friend of President Bush has taken the task of requesting a Presidential Proclamation for SEAL America's Day of National Communion. Keep this in your prayers. It will be a legacy for his Presidency and a step closer to spiritual unity in our country. You can help by signing our proclamation petition (see sidebar).
Hartford, Connicut: Event Forty-five is next Saturday, at 11:23 AM, as usual. Contact your friendsin the Hartford area and urge them attend their communion service at their State Capitol.
Washington DC Countdown: Six weeks! Make plans to attend, and encourage all your friends to attend this historic National Communion Service, December 20, 11:23 AM, Upper Senate Park, Capitol Ave, Washington DC. -- Info: http://www.sealamerica.org/
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
SEAL America -- Day 310
Living in the Land of Goshen
And Israel dwelt in the land of Egypt, in the country of Goshen; and they had possessions therein, and grew, and multiplied exceedingly. (Gen 47:27)
Israel prospered in the Land of Goshen. During the plagues, they had light in their homes, no frogs, no lice, no death of their firstborn. That’s why SEAL America is covering all the Capitols of the USA.
A New Commandment
I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour. (I Tim 1-3)
Let's not forget our duty. A divided house cannot stand. Be part of the solution -- support SEAL America.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Click to see SEAL America Campaign Map 4/4
Six Capitols plus Washington DC! Click map link avove, or click here: http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?hl=en&ie=UTF8&msa=0&msid=112390790432910328382.00045ae0375ae0c00ead1&z=6
Monday, November 3, 2008
Saturday, November 1, 2008
SEAL America -- Day 306
SEAL America -- Week Forty-four
Boston, MA
Today we held our SEAL America event on the sunny steps of the Massachusetts State House in Boston, across from the Boston Commons. Our public address system carried our voices for a half-mile. Crowds of people stopped to listen and take pictures of SEAL America event number forty-four.
Pastor Jonathan Del Turco of International Family Church presented the Gospel with clarity, compassion and authority. I think this was perhaps the strongest Gospel message that has ever been presented from this spot.
However, Boston has heard the Gospel many times before. Every schoolchild knows, this city played a major roll in the formation of America and was instrumental in laying the founding principles of our nation. It was an honor to stand in the footsteps of those patriots and lift our voices and the Cup of Blessing above the State of Massachusetts.
Thank you for your prayers and support. You are helping influence the spiritual climate of America. We have covered 90% of the country. Now, all that remain are six states, plus Washington DC. Please enlist the help of everyone you know t help us finist this historic campaign. Encourage them to visit our website and make plans to attend an event in their area.
Have you made plans to join us in Washington DC, for our National Communion?
Look for testimonies from the Boston event on YouTube this week -- search for sealamerica, or visit http://www.sealamerica.blogspot.com/.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
SEAL America -- Day 304
Watch Ambassador Huggins -- Live, from Boston (Reading, MA). Pastors Jonathan and Verna Del Turco have invited Ambassador Huggins to ministers, again, at International Family Church. View the service live at 10:30 AM (EST), or view whenever you want with on-demand video: http://sealamericatv.blogspot.com/ LIVE TV COMMUNION -- Saturdays, 7:00 PM (CST). Walk in Victory! You and your loved ones are welcome to join Ambassador for a live communion service, every Saturday night: http://www.sealamericatv.blogspot.com/
COUNTDOWN TO DC (Fewer than 51 days). Make plans to join us in Washington DC for the SEAL America Victory Rally and National Communion Service, Dec 19, 20. (REGISTER)
Monday, October 27, 2008
SEAL America -- Day 299
SEAL America -- Week Forty-Three
Augusta, Maine
"As goes Maine, so goes the Nation." That's what they say. We say this, the Augusta event was special in every aspect. People who did not know about the SEAL America Campaign were drawn to the communion event and joined with those who had known about the event. Although there were different groups represented, and many of them had never before met, the sense of unity was immediate and tangible. No one felt insecure of unaccepted. Proof that American Christians can be united -- especially through the Blood of Jesus (Read Daniel's Report).
We stood in solidarity, broke bread, and lifted the Cup of Blessings above Maine, and the USA. Local pastors helped with the service, and everyone enthusiastically participated with singing, praying, and laying hands on the State House. Afterwards most said this was the most important communion they had ever experienced, and that it exceeded their expectations in every way. Many said they will attend the Boston Communion Service next week, and also the Washington DC rally and communion, December 19, 20.
Pastors David and Celeste Rodgers werer our host pastors, and they invited us to minister in their church Resurrection Life, Sunday morning. We were treated royally and given a standing return invitation.
Countdown to Washington: If you plan to join us in Washington DC for the final, Christmas Communion Celebration at the Capitol, and Victory Rally, you need to make plans now. For more information call 1-888-NEW-MOVE, or visit http://www.sealamerica.org
View the Washington Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LjVgPtvI8Gg
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Watch this video to find our how to join me for live communion
THE NEW MOVE -- Live Interactive Web TV
Join me for Communion, Saturdays, 7:00 PM (CST). I'll be broadcasting from the Ministry Motor Coach -- Augusta ME, Boston MA, Providence RI... etc.
SEAL America TV is interactive -- you can call, chat or skype if you have questions or comments. Get your responses, live, over the air.
http://www.sealamericatv.blogspot.com http://www.mogulus.com/seqalamerica
Please send these links to all your friends and family.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
SEAL America -- Day 292
SEAL America -- Week Forty-two
Concord, New Hampshire
New Hampshire has been sealed by the Blood of Jesus. A dedicated group of Christians assembled on the steps of the New Hampshire State House. It was a beautiful October day -- perfect for a historic communion service.
Unity: Pastor Tom Petes shared the word concerning the bread, emphasizing the unity of the body of Christ, and America's need to be united in Christ.
America appears to be divided. However, we believe that America's best days are yet ahead. Since last January, we have traveled throughout this vast land, calling believers together, to lift the cup of blessings above our capitols. We have only eight states remaining, plus Washington DC. Soon, all of America will be covered with the Blood of Jesus -- literally.
The stage is being set for a great move of the Spirit. God always speaks from his glory, above the blood, above the mercy seat, in the Holy of Holies. Expect reevival to come to your church. Expect an awakening to come to your state. Expect American Christians to stand up and speak out. This is our time to shew forth the praises and the power of God.
Have you made plans to be at the Washington DC National Communion Event? You need to be a part of this historic gathering. Go to www.sealamerica.org to find out more about the Christmas Communion Celebration at the Capitol, and to register. Or call 1-888-NEW-Move.The New Move -- join our live, interactive, internet TV program, Saturdays at 7:00 PM (CST): http://www.mogulus.com/sealamerica
You can ask questions by phone, chat or Skype, and get your answers on the air. There are other people, like you, who are not just complaining -- they are willing to be part of the solution.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
SEAL America -- Day 285
SEAL America -- Week Forty-One
Saturday, October 4, 2008
SEAL America -- DAY 278
SEAL America -- Event Forty
Albany, NY
Albany was the second capitol in SEAL America's final, eleven-state sweep through the remaining North Atlantic States, as we head towards our final celebration event in Washington DC.
We have only seventy-four days remaining in our historic campaign to seal God's blessings upon every state house in the USA this year. Call your friends in New England and encourage them to join us on the steps of their capitols (see website for dates: http://www.sealamerica.org).
Let's put "Christ" back in Christmas, this year. Join us in Washington DC for our celebration events, December 19--20, 2008.
SEAL America -- DAY 278
SEAL America -- Event Forty
Albany, NY
Rev. Daniel Rouse walks towards the New York State Capitol in Albany, NY, today, for SEAL America event number forty. It was a beautiful Autumn day -- perfect for sealing God's blessings upon New York State.
We had extradinary, intecessory prayer. However, it was not a travailing prayer -- it was a rejoicing, victorious prayer. We expect to experience a second great awakening in New York.
We had a great live Internet TV show, tonight. New viewers joined us from Michigan, Oklahoma, and New Jersey. They were very active in the chat room -- sending messages to one another and to Ambassador Huggins and Reverend Rouse. Mrs. Huggins and two pastor-friends linked with us by phone from California. It was a great show.
If you have not joined us yet, join us every Saturday at 7:00 PM (CST), for THE NEW MOVE -- LIVE! http://www.mogulus.com/sealamerica
Plan your trip to Washington, Now. Let's put "Christ" back into Christmas...
-- December 19, 7:00 PM -- Victory Rally -- Special guests and special speakers
-- December 20, 11:23 AM -- Christmas Communion at the Capitol -- SEAL America Mass-Choir with Rev. Doyle Tucker and guest artists
Call: 1-888-NEW-MOVE
Register online: http://www.sealamerica.org/
SEAL America -- DAY 271
SEAL America -- Event Thirty-Nine
Harrisburg, PA
Mrs. Huggins and Rev. Tucker flew to Baltimore, Maryland, to Join Ambassador Huggins for the Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, communion event. Mrs. Huggins co-chairs the Washington DC, SEAL America, Steering Committee.
Make plans to join us for our final Victory Rally and National Communion Service, December 19 & 20, in Washington DC. Call: 1-888-NEW-MOVE, or register online: http://www.sealamerica.org/
Mrs. Huggins will be ministering in Fairfield, CA, October 2-5. Call for information: 1-888-NEW-MOVE
Watch Ambassador Huggins and friends on THE NEW MOVE -- LIVE! Saturdays at 7:00 PM (CST): http://www.mogulus.com/sealamerica
SEAL America -- Day 271
SEAL America -- Event Thirty-Nine
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
Rev Doyle Tucker joined Ambassador and Mrs. Huggins for the Harrisburg, SEAL America communion service. Rev Tucker, and Ambassador and Mrs. Huggins also met with the Washington DC steering Committee, in Baltimore, to plan the Washington DC Event.
Rev. Tucker, a life-long friend and associate of Ambassador Huggins, is one of the most anointed psalmists to walk the earth. He will be organizing and leading the SEAL America Mass-choir, which will present a medley of Patriotic Hymns and Christmas Songs. This year, the Christmas at the Capitol National Communion Service will put "Christ" back into Christmas.
Join us in Washington DC, for our evening victory rally, December 19, and our celebratory National Communion Service, at 11:23 AM, Saturday, December 20, 2008. Call 1-888-NEW-MOVE, or register online: http://www.sealamerica.org/
Watch Ambassador Huggins and friends on THE NEW MOVE -- LIVE! -- Saturdays at 7:00 PM (CST) http://www.mogulus.com/sealamerica
SEAL America -- Day 267
SEAL America -- Week Thirty-Eight
The Harvest Show -- LeSEA Broadcasting Network
South Bend, Indiana
Pete Sumrall, the Principal of The LeSEA Network interviewed Ambassadotr Huggins on the Harvest Show. The interview was broadcast worldwide via satellite and the internet. Ambassador Huggins gave the Harvest Show audience an update on the progress of the historic, SEAL America Campaign, and a forecast of the final three months of the campaign, leading up to the Christmas at the Capitol Communion Celebration in Washington DC, December 20, 2008.
You are welcome to attend the final communion service in Washington DC. Make plans to be with us for a rally on Friday night, December 19, and the National Communion service, presented by Ambassador Huggins and administered by Christian leaders, plus the SEAL America Mass-choir directed by Reverend Doyle Tucker. For information call 1-888-NEW-MOVE, register online at http://www.sealamerica.org/
Be sure to watch THE NEW MOVE, LIVE! an interactive internet TV program with Ambassador Huggins and friends, Saturedays, 7:00 PM (CST): http://www.mogulus.com/sealamerica
Monday, September 22, 2008
SEAL America -- Day 265
SEAL America - Event Thirty-eight
Springfield, IL
Pastor Jim DiPalma's group, World Overcomers Church, from Bartlett, IL, came to the Illinois SEAL America event enforce. They broke the record for people from one church -- 102 patriots!
This was one of the most anointed services yet. The praise and worship was extraordinary, and everyone came with the intent to do business for God. We are certian the spiritual landscape of Illinois has been affected by our prayers and by the sanctifying power of the Blood of Jesus.
We were joined by Delbra and Stanley Pratt, from the National Day of Prayer. They brought a special praise group with them. As always, the people from NDP were exemplary. We have been encouraged ans assisted by the NDP at every turn of the SEAL America Campaign.
Illinois marks the beginning of the forth-quarter of our Campaign, and the last of the Mid-West states on our itinerary. Thank you for your prayers and encouragement.
From here we travel to South Bend, Indiana to appear on the Harvest Show -- LeSEA Broadcasting's flagship program. Afterwards we continue to Baltimore for a Washington DC steering Committee luncheon. Mrs Huggins and Reverend Doyle Tucker will join us and Pastor Paul Sherrell for an organizational meeting this Friday. The following day we will be in Harrisburg Virginia for Event number Thirty-Nine. From now until December 20, when we host the National Christmas Communion, we will be traveling throughout the North Eastern States.
SPECIAL REQUEST: Please write the White House or send an e-mail to President Bush, asking for him to recognize the SEAL America Campaign by issuing a Presidential Proclaimation, naming third Saturday of December as a day of National Communion and Unity.
President George W. Bush
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500
Friday, September 19, 2008
SEAL America -- Day 259
Rochester, Minnesota
City Hall Communion Event
An official from the Rochester, Minnesota, Parks and Recreation Department invited SEAL America to conduct a special communion service at City Hall. We were accompanied by Pastor David Hunt, Kathy Hunt, and others.
SEAL America is approaching week thirty-eight, and we're going strong. Springfield, Illinois is next. After event thirty-eight, I will preach in Chicago, appear on the Harvest Show in, Indiana, and minister in Michigan -- enroute to Maryland. In Baltimore we will have a Washington DC Steering Committee luncheon, where we will be accompanied by Mrs Huggins, Reverend Doyle Tucker, and Apostle Paul Sherrell.
Keep SEAL America in your prayers. This is an important phase of our campaign to SEAL God's blessings on America.Be sure and join us every Saturday night, at 7:00 PM (CST) for THE NEW MOVE -- LIVE!
You can also watch from our SEAL America TV Blog: http://www.sealamericatv.blogspot.com
SEAL America -- Day 259
SEAL America -- Week Thirty-Seven
Desmoines, Iowa
It was an honor to stand upon the steps of the Iowa State Capitol in Desmonies. We were honored to be joined by Dr. James D. Brown, H.D.M. -- President/CEO of Kingsway Christian College & Theological Seminary (where I received my doctorate).
The prayers and declarations that were made upon the steps of the Iowa Capitol were powerful, and we are persuaded that the impact of this event will affect the spiritual climate of Iowa, perpetually.
SEAL America will be lifting the Cup of Blessings above the Capitol of Springfield, IL, this Saturday. Please keep us in your prayer, and we encourage you to invest in the blessing (see donation link in sidebar).
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
SEAL America -- Day 254
SEAL America -Week Thirty-Six
Dateline, St. Paul, Minnesota: Minnesota Christians welcomed SEAL America to their Capitol, last saturday. Several groups had joined for thirty days of around-the-clock prayer and fasting prior to the Republican Convention. Then Afterwards, the Holy Spirit impressed upon them that they needed to "seal" what they had accomplised. They weren't sure what that meant until they discovered the SEAL America Campaign was coming to their Capitol on the day following the Rebublican National Convention, to "seal" the blessings of God upon Minnesota!
Enthusiastic Crowd: Our Minnesota constituents were joined by believers from Michigan and Wisconsin. Pastor Tom and Paula Rouse brought their praise team form the Lighthouse Family Church, in Ironwood, MI.
Florida Minisitry Event: After the St Paul Communion Service, I flew to Pensocala to minister for Dr. and Mrs Christian Harfouche. It was a life-changing, history-making service.
SEAL America TV: Watch THE NEW MOVE, Saturdays, 7:00 PM (CST): www.mogulus.com/sealamerica
- Interactive TV
- Q & A (get on-the-air responses)
- SEAL America Reports
- Campaign Clips
Do you want to help? Hit the Donate Button now (see sidebar).
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Sarah Palin
Congratulations Sarah Palin
We are praying for you and your family. Thank you for helping us SEAL America's blessings.
Ambassador Huggins
& Seal America Partners
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
SEAL America -- Day 240
Ambassador Huggins
SEAL America TV: Join Ambassador Huggins, for a powerful service, broadcasting LIVE from The Light of the World Fellowship, Topeka, Kansas -- 7:30 PM (CST) -- August 26, 2008
Watch Ambassador Huggins on your computer -- LIVE!
Click this link: http://www.mogulus.com/sealamerica
E-mail or call your friends and invite them to view the program.
Monday, August 25, 2008
SEAL America -- day 239
Sunday, August 24, 2008
SEAL America -- Day 238
SEAL America TV -- Report
- Saturday: We broadcast the premiere of THE NEW MOVE - live! We had a few minor glitches; but we were soon up and running. Many of our viewers chatted with us, encouraged us, and helped us work out our technical problems (our broadcast system is excellent for communicating with our viewers).
- Sunday: We broadcast our ministry live from The Heart of God Church in Buckner Missouri.
- Wednesday: There is a possibility we might broadcast our service from The Light of the World Fellowship in Topeka. I will announce it tommorrow, if it's confirmed.
- Next Saturday: Join us for THE NEW MOVE, live!
Please tell all your friends about SEAL America TV: http://www.mogulus.com/sealamerica
SEAL America -- Day 237
Saturday, August 23, 2008
SEAL America -- Day 237
SEAL America TV!
ON THE ROAD TO WASHINGTON... THE NEW MOVE -- Watch the premiere -- TONIGHT 7:00 PM (CST)
Check us out often -- we'll be adding content often.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
LIVE ON THE INTERNET -- This Saturday!
SEAL America has launched a new twenty-four hour TV Network. The flagship show, THE NEW MOVE, premiers 08/23/08 at 7:00 pm (CST).
(click anywhere on player to play video)
http://www.mogulus.com/sealamerica -- Click here now to see pre-recorded clips. We're developing new programming as we go (WATCH IS GROW).
LIVE PREMIER! We will broadcast THE NEW MOVE live this Saturday. Please join us, and feel free to participate in the program, chat, ask questions, and make comments. We will respond on the air.
This is our first live show, so please let us know if the picture and sound are clear, or if there are any technical issure that we need to fix. Your suggestions of how to make the show better are appeciated.
Please send this link to your friends so we can have a bigger audience for our Premiere Show. Here's the link, again: SEAL AMERICA TVBEHIND THE SCENES
Here's a shot of our mobile studio (How many RV studios have you seen?).
Good Stewards: We are taking advantage of every opportunity to get more bang for your bucks. Here's a link to our donation page: INVEST IN THE BLESSING
(If your browser won't open the link clike here, then click "Online Donations")
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
SEAL America -- Day 231
SEAL America -- Week Thirty-Three
Lincoln, Nebraska
Believers Link Arms
Last Saturday we stood with a group of believing-believers upon the North steps of the Nebraska State Capitol in Lincoln, Nebraska. Two primary groups extended the hand of fellowship to the SEAL America Campaign: The Nebraska House of Prayer, and the Nebraska Family Council (NFC).
Alan Ribowski and Karen Bowling lead a prayer walk through the Nebraska State Capitol every month. Our host, Karen Bowling, who works with NFC Director, Alan Ribowski, invited us to join the Lincoln Intercessors Network Connection (LINK), on their prayer walk. They volunteered to begin and en their event earlier than usual so their people could participate in the SEAL America Communion Service.
Lisa Crump, of National Day of Prayer, in Colorado Springs, Colorado, introduced Karen Bowling to SEAL America… that’s how things work in the Kingdom – Divine connections!
Lincoln was encouraging, because we found Christians who have put legs on their prayers. They are actively praying for their government, and making their influence known. Nebraska voters and legislators made national news recently, when the state passed a landmark bill that clearly defines marriage as the union of one man and one woman. The bill was hotly contested. However, all the justices of the Twelfth District Federal Court of Appeals unanimously upheld the constitutionality of the legislation. The NFC played a significant role in the passing of the DOW legislation.
For more information contact: info@NebFC.org or http://www.nebfc.org/
Alan Ribowski & Karen Bowling
Sunday, August 10, 2008
EVERYONE -- I installed a new comments application on my blog, and I need your help to test it. Please take a moment to click the comments link (below), and send me a few lines of text. Thank You -- Ambassador H.
Saturday, August 9, 2008
SEAL America -- Day 223
SEAL America -- Event Thirty-Two
Bismarck, North Dakota
Think of the importance of consecrating all the State Houses in the USA by celebrating Holy Communion on the State House steps! Bismarck, North Dakota, was the thirty-second State House to be consecrated by the SEAL America Campaign -- National Communion 2008.
We are steadily working our way across the USA, covering America with the liquid love of Jesus -- from sea to shining sea. We are, in a manner of speaking, celebrating the reversal of the curse of poverty, sin, and death. Jesus did this when he became a curse for us, at Calvary, that the blessings of Abraham might come upon us through faith. We are applying this truth through the act of communion.
There is a lot of talk about what the enemy is doing, or has done. Nothing compares to what Jesus did for us: He conquered death, hell, and the grave through his life, death, and resurrection. Today, in North Dakota, we recognised that Jesus Christ is Lord of Lords and King of Kings. Happy is the nation whose God is the Lord!
This applies to your house, too. Discover the power of home communion. The Cup of Blessing will help you get started, and it's available on the SEAL America website: http://www.sealamerica.org/
Thank you for your prayers and support. Get involved in SEAL America, Click the donate button.Friday, August 8, 2008
SEAL America -- Day 222
Bismark, North Dakota
Radio Station KNDR, 104.7 FM. Christian Radio Host, Brad Bales, interviewed us this morning. We spent several minutes sharing the vision of the SEAL America Campaign, and talking about the communion service that we will conduct on the steps of the North Dakota State House, tomorrow.
Newspaper: The Bismark Tribune wrote an article about SEAL America. It will be published Saturday morning.
Here is the SEAL America schedule for the next three events:
- Lincoln, Nebraska -- August 16
- Topeka, Kansas -- August 23
- Jefferson City, Missouri -- August 3
Make it Happen: Please contact everyone you know in these states, and encourage them to get involved in these historic events. Point them to our website: http://www.sealamerica.org.
Ministry Alert: I have a few days open for ministry, this year, and I'm now accepting invitations the first quarter of 2009.
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
SEAL America -- Day 217
Ministering to young people is one of my greatest joys. The young people of Pastor Forristall's church, New Beginnings -- in Sioux Falls, South Dakota -- attended every service, and participated whole heartedly.
I've listened to young people, accross America, and they tell me that they've had all the pizza and video games they can stand. They want to experience the real presence of the Holy Spirit. You can see their sincerity and hunger in these photos.
This is why we never grow tired, traveling from state to state on this noble campaign. SEAL America is sealing America's future for this generation.
Your partnership with the SEAL America Campaign is making this possible. Thank you for your prayers and support. Please let us hear from you. Your prayer requests and praise reports are important.