Tuesday, August 26, 2008

SEAL America -- Day 240

Ambassador Huggins

SEAL America TV: Join Ambassador Huggins, for a powerful service, broadcasting LIVE from The Light of the World Fellowship, Topeka, Kansas -- 7:30 PM (CST) -- August 26, 2008
Watch Ambassador Huggins on your computer -- LIVE!

Click this link: http://www.mogulus.com/sealamerica

E-mail or call your friends and invite them to view the program.

Monday, August 25, 2008

SEAL America -- day 239

SEAL America in the News!

Click link below to read the Topeka Capital article about the Kansas, SEAL America Campaign, posted by staff reporter, Phil Anderson.

CBS Affeliate, WIBW TV 13, interviewed Ambassador Huggins, and stayed to cover most of the Topeka, Kansas, SEAL America communiuon event, last Saturday.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

SEAL America -- Day 238

SEAL America TV -- Report

  • Saturday: We broadcast the premiere of THE NEW MOVE - live! We had a few minor glitches; but we were soon up and running. Many of our viewers chatted with us, encouraged us, and helped us work out our technical problems (our broadcast system is excellent for communicating with our viewers).
  • Sunday: We broadcast our ministry live from The Heart of God Church in Buckner Missouri.
  • Wednesday: There is a possibility we might broadcast our service from The Light of the World Fellowship in Topeka. I will announce it tommorrow, if it's confirmed.
  • Next Saturday: Join us for THE NEW MOVE, live!

Please tell all your friends about SEAL America TV: http://www.mogulus.com/sealamerica

SEAL America -- Day 237

SEAL America -- Week Thirty-Four

Topeka, KS

A faith-filled body of believers assembled upon the steps of the Kansas State House today. Pastor and Mrs Greg Varney, Pastor Tommy Scott, and Senate Chaplain Fred Holloman helped lead us in communion for Kansas and the USA. A news crew from CBS covered the event, and it was written up in the Topeka Capitol Newspaper.
As always, it was glorious, significant, and unforgettable. However, as always, it was unique. Every Sate is different -- every service is different.

Seal America is not a canned program. We are following the Holy Spirit. God has us at the right place at the right time to fulfill his special purpose for every state.

The thirty-forth state to enter the Union was Kansas. Kansas was the thirty-fourth state of the SEAL America campaign. We did not decide to be here on thirty-fourth week of our fifty-one week campaign. The Holy Spirit arranged for us to be here.

We did not decide to be in Hawaii the week before the inaguration of the End's of the Earth Prayer Tower. However, Rabbi Daniel Vargas said the Soly Spirit arranged for us to bless his prayer tower.

We did not decide to be in Wyoming during the world-famous Frontier Days celebration. However, the Holy Spirit arranged for us to be at the steps of the Wyoming State House, were the parade began, and where thousands of people assembled to view the parade.

We did not decide to be in Montana during the Montana Stampede Celebration. However the Holy Spirit arranged for us to be there on Montana's most populated day of the year.

"The steps of good men are arranged by the Lord." Thank you for investing in the blessing. SEAL America is changing the spiritual landscape of America.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

SEAL America -- Day 237

SEAL America TV!


  • THE NEW MOVE -- Watch the premiere -- TONIGHT 7:00 PM (CST)

  • LIVE MINISTRY -- From Buckner, M0 -- SUNDAY 10:30 AM (CST)
We have lanched a new channel: SEAL America TV. Watch us grow. We will be broadcasting live every Saturday evening, from locations accross the USA, as the America Campaign wheels towards Washington DC.

Check us out often -- we'll be adding content often.


Thursday, August 21, 2008


LIVE ON THE INTERNET -- This Saturday!

SEAL America has launched a new twenty-four hour TV Network. The flagship show, THE NEW MOVE, premiers 08/23/08 at 7:00 pm (CST).
(click anywhere on player to play video)

http://www.mogulus.com/sealamerica -- Click here now to see pre-recorded clips. We're developing new programming as we go (WATCH IS GROW).

LIVE PREMIER! We will broadcast THE NEW MOVE live this Saturday. Please join us, and feel free to participate in the program, chat, ask questions, and make comments. We will respond on the air.

This is our first live show, so please let us know if the picture and sound are clear, or if there are any technical issure that we need to fix. Your suggestions of how to make the show better are appeciated.

Please send this link to your friends so we can have a bigger audience for our Premiere Show. Here's the link, again: SEAL AMERICA TV


Here's a shot of our mobile studio (How many RV studios have you seen?).

Good Stewards: We are taking advantage of every opportunity to get more bang for your bucks. Here's a link to our donation page: INVEST IN THE BLESSING

(If your browser won't open the link clike here, then click "Online Donations")

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

SEAL America -- Day 231

SEAL America -- Week Thirty-Three
Lincoln, Nebraska

Believers Link Arms

Last Saturday we stood with a group of believing-believers upon the North steps of the Nebraska State Capitol in Lincoln, Nebraska. Two primary groups extended the hand of fellowship to the SEAL America Campaign: The Nebraska House of Prayer, and the Nebraska Family Council (NFC).

Alan Ribowski and Karen Bowling lead a prayer walk through the Nebraska State Capitol every month. Our host, Karen Bowling, who works with NFC Director, Alan Ribowski, invited us to join the Lincoln Intercessors Network Connection (LINK), on their prayer walk. They volunteered to begin and en their event earlier than usual so their people could participate in the SEAL America Communion Service.

Lisa Crump, of National Day of Prayer, in Colorado Springs, Colorado, introduced Karen Bowling to SEAL America… that’s how things work in the Kingdom – Divine connections!

Lincoln was encouraging, because we found Christians who have put legs on their prayers. They are actively praying for their government, and making their influence known. Nebraska voters and legislators made national news recently, when the state passed a landmark bill that clearly defines marriage as the union of one man and one woman. The bill was hotly contested. However, all the justices of the Twelfth District Federal Court of Appeals unanimously upheld the constitutionality of the legislation. The NFC played a significant role in the passing of the DOW legislation.

For more information contact:
info@NebFC.org or http://www.nebfc.org/

Alan Ribowski & Karen Bowling

Sunday, August 10, 2008


EVERYONE -- I installed a new comments application on my blog, and I need your help to test it. Please take a moment to click the comments link (below), and send me a few lines of text. Thank You -- Ambassador H.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

SEAL America -- Day 223

SEAL America -- Event Thirty-Two
Bismarck, North Dakota

Think of the importance of consecrating all the State Houses in the USA by celebrating Holy Communion on the State House steps! Bismarck, North Dakota, was the thirty-second State House to be consecrated by the SEAL America Campaign -- National Communion 2008.

We are steadily working our way across the USA, covering America with the liquid love of Jesus -- from sea to shining sea. We are, in a manner of speaking, celebrating the reversal of the curse of poverty, sin, and death. Jesus did this when he became a curse for us, at Calvary, that the blessings of Abraham might come upon us through faith. We are applying this truth through the act of communion.

There is a lot of talk about what the enemy is doing, or has done. Nothing compares to what Jesus did for us: He conquered death, hell, and the grave through his life, death, and resurrection. Today, in North Dakota, we recognised that Jesus Christ is Lord of Lords and King of Kings. Happy is the nation whose God is the Lord!

This applies to your house, too. Discover the power of home communion. The Cup of Blessing will help you get started, and it's available on the SEAL America website: http://www.sealamerica.org/

Thank you for your prayers and support. Get involved in SEAL America, Click the donate button.
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Friday, August 8, 2008

SEAL America -- Day 222

Bismark, North Dakota

Radio Station KNDR, 104.7 FM. Christian Radio Host, Brad Bales, interviewed us this morning. We spent several minutes sharing the vision of the SEAL America Campaign, and talking about the communion service that we will conduct on the steps of the North Dakota State House, tomorrow.

Newspaper: The Bismark Tribune wrote an article about SEAL America. It will be published Saturday morning.

Here is the SEAL America schedule for the next three events:

  • Lincoln, Nebraska -- August 16
  • Topeka, Kansas -- August 23
  • Jefferson City, Missouri -- August 3

Make it Happen: Please contact everyone you know in these states, and encourage them to get involved in these historic events. Point them to our website: http://www.sealamerica.org.

Ministry Alert: I have a few days open for ministry, this year, and I'm now accepting invitations the first quarter of 2009.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

SEAL America -- Day 217

Ministering to young people is one of my greatest joys. The young people of Pastor Forristall's church, New Beginnings -- in Sioux Falls, South Dakota -- attended every service, and participated whole heartedly.

I've listened to young people, accross America, and they tell me that they've had all the pizza and video games they can stand. They want to experience the real presence of the Holy Spirit. You can see their sincerity and hunger in these photos.

This is why we never grow tired, traveling from state to state on this noble campaign. SEAL America is sealing America's future for this generation.

Your partnership with the SEAL America Campaign is making this possible. Thank you for your prayers and support.
Please let us hear from you. Your prayer requests and praise reports are important.

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SEAL America -- Day 215

SEAL America -- Event Thirty One
There was a special presence on the steps of the South Dakota State House. Every word that was uttered was inspired, and rang with truth. There were precise prayers prayed for the State Government, the people of South dakota, and the United States -- like arrows, they struck the mark.
One pastor, Pastor Larry Forristall, traveled from Sioux Falls, South Dakota -- about four hours from Pierre. Pastor Forristall gave a profound word explaining clearly the meaning of the bread of the communion, "He was broken that we might be whole..."
This was a special communion service, and we know that South Dakota was impacted by the Blood of the Lamb. However, our eyes are now turned towards Bismark, North Dakota. Please broadcast the news to everyone you know in North Dakota. They need to be part of these historic communion events.
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