Wednesday, April 23, 2008
SEAL America -- Day 115
Thursday, April 17, 2008
SEAL America -- Day 109
God's Learning Channel Interview
Al and Tommie Cooper are the owners and operators of God's Learning Channel (GLC) in Midland, Texas. On April 17th they opened their airwaves to SEAL America. The interview was broadcast to their world-wide audience, and across the USA. The program was two hours long.
Afterwards, Al and Tommie offered to advertise the New Mexico SEAL America Event on their Santa Fe station.
Thank you Al and Tommie.
If you have friends and family in New Mexico, tell them about the New Mexico Event: May 3, 2008, t 11:23 a.m.
Sunday, April 13, 2008
SEAL America -- Day 104
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Last Saturday we sealed the great state of Louisiana. After the communion service, I stood upon the observation deck in the tower, tower and surveyed the area around Baton Rouge, as far as I could see. The weather was beautiful and I could see hundreds of square miles of Louisiana, and the Mighty Mississippi river rolling through it. I felt a powerful anointing upon me as I pronounced a blessing upon the State and all it's inhabitants, and the USA.
And the LORD said unto Abram, after that Lot was separated from him, Lift up now thine eyes, and look from the place where thou art northward, and southward, and eastward, and westward: (15) For all the land which thou seest, to thee will I give it... (Gen 13:14, 15)
I have stood upon fifteen State Capitols in the past fifteen weeks, and I've seen further than I have ever seen. I see America covered with the Blood of Jesus. I see a great awakening. I see you and your family walking in blessings, in this glorious age, before the coming of the Lord.
The mission of SEAL America is unique, historic, and powerful. Help make history (help change history). Get involved -- contact us today, and tell us how you can help. You have resources and contacts that you can use for the Glory of God. We have entered the second quarter of the campaign, and we yet have thirty-six capitols to seal.
This coming Saturday we will be in Texas, the state of my birth. This week, make some calls, and notify your friends about the historic communion-event that's coming to their state. If you know pastors, Christian Leaders, or people in government, make a special effort to get them involved. Have them call my office directly: (918) 949-6110
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
SEAL America -- Day 101
Trust in the Lord, and do good; so you will live in the land, and enjoy security. Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the Lord; trust in him, and he will act. Ps. 37:3,4,5 NRSV
My father and I thank you very much for sharing with us your wonderful vision, The National SEAL America Campaign. Your mandate for open, public communion services at every state capital across the United States is inspiring. This is a strategic year in our country’s history and it seems crucial for all Americans to experience a renewed spiritual awakening and healing for our nation’s future blessings.
We thank God for ministers such as you, Dr. Huggins, who are devoting your attention to the spiritual well-being of our nation. Now and then, we have an opportunity to minister in the United States; however our focus is more abroad than local.
You certainly can count on our prayers. We admire and esteem you, our friend and colleague in ministry. We pray that a powerful anointing of the Holy Spirit rests upon you as you traverse our nation. We pray that every state is greatly blessed by the Capitol Communion Events that you will be conducting at each state capital.
May you remain blessed.
In the Labor of the Gospel,
LaDonna Osborn
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
SEAL America -- Day 100
Personal Reflections:
Today marks day one-hundred of the SEAL America campaign -- National Communion 2008. I have many thoughts. It's a paradox, but it seems a long time that passed quickly. It is a long time to be on the road, away from the comforts of home -- but the speed at which we work makes the days pass quickly.
In th past one-hundred days I've had my shares of temptations, tests and trials; but never have I doubted the importance of the SEAL America assignment. This might be the first time in the history of America that believers have gathered at every state capitol, plus Washington DC, for the sole purpose of holding communion services -- in a fifty-one week period! That must be a record. I might be the first individual who has gone to all fifty state capitols, plus Washington DC, to have communion, in a fifty-one week period. I'm honored to do it.
We've traveled about eight-thousand miles. However, we yet have a long road ahead of us. Before this campaign is over I estimate that I will travel the equivalent of twice around the earth. We yet have thirty seven events to go, and we have 265 more days to make it happen.
A lot has happened in one hundred days. We've told our story thousands of times -- to individuals, to groups, by the Internet, by e-mail, by TV and Radio, and in print. Finally, we are beginning to see things come back to us. We are beginning to receive inbound calls, and in our outbound calls we are beginning to hear more people say, "Oh we've already heard about SEAL America.
Also, the finances we need to operate are beginning to come in. So far we haven't met our budget; but we are encouraged, and we expect to reach a break-even point, soon. Then, as additional finances come in, we can expand our campaign.
I don't have space to share what I've learned; but I know a lot more now than I did one-hundred days ago -- On-job-training! It's amazing how quickly we learn when we are thrust into an unfamiliar environment. No one has ever held a National Communion campaign exactly like SEAL America. Thank God for His word and the Holy Spirit. We are walking by faith.
More than anything, I miss my wife, Loretta. We have seen one another twice this year. This past week, we were disappointed that she couldn't attend the Arkansas event. However, we hope to meet in Texas, on the eghteenth. We will have about three days together. Then we will meet again in Oklahoma City. We are praying that God will make a way for us to see one another at least once a month.
In the last week of May, we will SEAL Honolulu, Hawaii. That would be an even greater event if Loretta could meet me there. It won't be a vacation -- we don't have time to sit around --But we could hold hands, have a couple of seafood dinners, and make some memories.
As I think about the next one hundred days, I'm optimistic. If SEAL America continues to expand at the present rate, we should see the beginnings of a ground swell. Here's what we need: more prayer partners (the Devil doesn't want us to anoint the State Houses with the Blood of Jesus). More doors of utterance to open. I must share what we are doing with more and more people, groups, churches, and broadcast audiences. More partners. We need people who, don't just encourage us, but who also will invest in the blessing. Having a strong stream of income will free us to concentrate on the ministry-side of the SEAL America Campaign.
I'm optimistic about the future of The SEAL America Campaign -- national Communion 2008. I am also optimistic about the future of America. We Christians are the majority, and as we stand together, the rest of the nation will take notice, and we will all reap the benefits of living in a land that's been sealed by the Blood. "Happy is the nation whose God is the Lord!"
Please take an active part in this ministry. After all, this is not just my ministry. This is for everyone who hopes for a better America. Sealing the Capitols is a prerequisite to a national spiritual awakening, and you can help make it happen. We are duty-bound to give younger Americans a better America, and SEAL America is a viable way to make America better. "The solution's in the cup!"
SEAL America -- Day 100
SEAL America -- Event Fourteen
Saturday, the Capitol of Arkansas was sealed by the Blood of Jesus, thanks to our partners, and those who Christians who love America. People drove from Tulsa, Oklahoma, as well as from Mount Judea, Hector, and Hope, Arkansas to lift the Cup of Blessings above the beautiful State House. Additionally, there were people there who represented the states of Michigan, New York, North California, California, and Texas. There hearts were in what they were doing -- nothing less than changing the future of the USA.
If you are not already involved in SEAL America, I encourage you to get involved. This is something God has given to all of us -- everyone who Loves America and sees revival as the only hope for our nation. What can you do? You can pray, you can work, and you can give. Please follow these links to volunteer or to make invest in the blessing.
Click here to change our future
Click here to invest in the blessing
SEAL America -- Event Fourteen
SEAL America Associates -- Nathaniel, Daniel, Lilly, Joyce
These four Bible School students have all worked behind the scenes to further The SEAL America Campaign -- National Communion 2008. Nathaniel brought the most people to the event, from his Father's church in Hope, Arkansas. Daniel is a full-time student and a full-time staff member with SEAL America. He and Lilly and Joyce drove round-trip from Tulsa, OK, to Little Rock, AR, to participate in the SEAL America Event -- more than eight hours.
Daniel is planning to bring a car-load of people from Oklahoma to Austin, Texas, for SEAL America event number sixteen, and likewise to Oklahoma City for event number seventeen.
These young people are outstanding representatives of their generation, and they are leading the way to creating a better America.
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Rev. Lester Chisum
"Precious Memories, How they Linger..."
This week, I drove hundreds of miles out of my way to see dear brothers and sisters in Christ in my adopted state of Arkansas. Here I am with one of my mentors, Reverend Lester Chisum. He celebrated his eighty-fifth birthday last Saturday, and he's still going strong. He yet preaches four or five times a week, sings, and plays bluegrass gospel on his banjo. His father, Tommy, was my dearest friend.
Every Fourth of July, Reverend Chisum holds a nine-day campmeeting under his pole-barn tabernacle, in a cow pasture, that's attended by more than a thousand people from a half dozen states. They come to his remote, mountain place by cars, trucks, buses and RV's, and they stay in campers and tents. This real old-fashioned campmeeting has spawned nine other campmeetings in different places.Here I am seated with Lily Vanderpool (right), the prayer-warrior who prayed me into God's kingdom. Lily is eighty-six and going strong. She yet prays for me. Her daughter (left) lives in Missouri.
I told Lily and Lester that they are partly responsible for SEAL America. Everywhere I go I carry a deposit they gave me.
I have a history, and I'm making history -- you can make history, too. Connect with SEAL America.
SEAL America -- Day 97
The SEAL America Campaign -- National Communion 2008
Three months
Fourteen States
Hundreds of cities
Eight-thousand miles
Thousands of people
Our Partners are behind everything we do. You can bless the USA and help change history by Investing in the blessing. Contact SEAL America today.
SEAL America -- Day 91
Jackson, Mississippi
We are right on schedule -- thirteen Capitols in thirteen weeks! The Great state of Mississippi was sealed by the Blood of Jesus last Saturday. The Holy Spirit revealed that applying the blood to the Mississippi State Capitol was a key to setting people in Mississippi free. This was a significant and powerful event. The Governor issued a State Proclamation in recognition of SEAL America. The further we go with the SEAL America Campaign, the more we recognize how important this campaign is to God, and how profound it is. God is preparing America for a spiritual awakening.
Little Rock, Arkansas is next, followed by Baton Rouge, Louisiana. If you have contacts in those cities, please encourage them to attend the SEAL America public Communion.
While we have historic communion services upon the grounds of the State Capitols, simultaneous events are being held in other locations, such as Wisconsin, Michigan, and Oklahoma. You can have communion from home, with your prayer group, or in your church. Join with other Patriotic Christians as we SEAL the blessings of God upon America.
Friday, April 4, 2008
Letter From Lighthouse Faith Center
Special SEAL America Communion Services
The old church hymn says it best, “What can wash away my sin, nothing but the Blood of Jesus.” The sins of our nation are great but not greater than the blood of Jesus.
Seal America is a mission that has captured my heart and the heart of our church, the Lighthouse Family Church in Ironwood, Michigan. We were fortunate to a part of the first campaign in Madison Wisconsin, and ever since our church has gathered every Saturday at 11:23 AM to join in with brother Huggins and those with him to declare the Lord’s death until He comes. Communion has taken on a new meaning as between twenty and thirty of my members faithfully partake of the Lord’s Supper and pray over America, each state and it’s capital. Each week we apply the blood to the capital and pray for the governor, senators, representatives, and all the capital workers believing they shall make Godly decisions concerning their state and America.
I challenge everyone especially Pastors to come together each Saturday and make one voice to be heard in the heavens calling out the sins of America and asking for forgiveness. What a great opportunity to be in one accord over something all of Christians agree on, communion. Let’s come together and Seal America with the Blood of the Lamb!
Pastor Tom Rouse
Lighthouse Family Church
Ironwood, Michigan