Monday, December 31, 2007


Tomorrow, is the first day of 2008. Technically, I launched the SEAL America Campaign, when I left Tulsa at 5:00 a.m. last Friday, enroute to Madison, WI.

This makes for good war stories: Snow is falling, and the weather channel predicts more of the same, and I'm traveling by motor coach.

There are just four working days before the first State Capitol Communion service, and a blizzard of unfinished business is swirling about my head. This is when I am tempted to ask God whay he gave me this assignment.

I'm thinking about what my Mentor, Lester Sumrall, often said, "God never called me to do anything I could do. Everything he called me to do was impossible for me to do." (Doc, Thank you for being an example in my life).

I'll preach tonight, then Wednesday, host a fellowship breakfast Thursday, and preach again Friday night -- all the while, I'll be working the phones...

Jeremy Barancik, my new assistant, will fly in on Wednesday. I suspect he doesn't really know what he's signed up for: Fifty-one weeks of marathon ministry!

Urgent Rrequest: We need prayer partners. If you can become our SEAL America prayer Partner, or if you can recomend other real prayer Partners, please e-mail me ASAP. I'll send you a list of important prayer objectives, immediately: (use this e-mail exclusively for prayer requests and reports).

A video player is in the sidebar: Check it out, and watch for new clips, daily.

A widget is in the sidebar: Feel free to download press releases and other files you might use to advertize the SEAL America Campaign.

A SEAL AEMRICA Google Group link is in the sidebar: Join a group or start a SEAL America Group of your own. Let's create some juice for SEAL America.

Remember, The solution is in the cup!

Larry Huggins -- Ambassador

Sunday, December 23, 2007


Make 2008 your year of new beginnings…
National Communion 2008

The Holy Spirit is calling Christians of every type to gather for special communion services in the year 2008. During this year, the SEAL America Campaign will host a communion service at the state capitol in every state - that is - about one state per week.

To kick off this campaign, Wisconsin will be the first state to host this communion service on the state capitol steps in Madison. All are welcome! Rain or shine! We will meet on the capitol steps to celebrate the cup of blessings that God has poured upon our great nation through the Blood of Jesus Christ. At the end of the year, SEAL America will culminate in Washington D.C. with a final communion service. Please join other brothers and sisters in Christ for the first communion service on January 5th at 11:23a.m. on the state capitol steps in Madison, Wisconsin.

Please tell your pastor, your friends and your family. Please print this flyer, pass it out, tell your church, and put it in a church bulletin. Also you can send e-mail blasts to all your friends with instructions to do the same. Bring people by the bus-load and by the car-load. Dress warm, and bring your own communion elements, and extra for friends.

TOLL FREE: 1-888-NEW-MOVE (may not be online prior to 01/01/2008) (may not be online prior to 01/01/2008)