Monday, September 22, 2008

SEAL America -- Day 265

SEAL America - Event Thirty-eight
Springfield, IL

Pastor Jim DiPalma's group, World Overcomers Church, from Bartlett, IL, came to the Illinois SEAL America event enforce. They broke the record for people from one church -- 102 patriots!

This was one of the most anointed services yet. The praise and worship was extraordinary, and everyone came with the intent to do business for God. We are certian the spiritual landscape of Illinois has been affected by our prayers and by the sanctifying power of the Blood of Jesus.

We were joined by Delbra and Stanley Pratt, from the National Day of Prayer. They brought a special praise group with them. As always, the people from NDP were exemplary. We have been encouraged ans assisted by the NDP at every turn of the SEAL America Campaign.

Illinois marks the beginning of the forth-quarter of our Campaign, and the last of the Mid-West states on our itinerary. Thank you for your prayers and encouragement.

From here we travel to South Bend, Indiana to appear on the Harvest Show -- LeSEA Broadcasting's flagship program. Afterwards we continue to Baltimore for a Washington DC steering Committee luncheon. Mrs Huggins and Reverend Doyle Tucker will join us and Pastor Paul Sherrell for an organizational meeting this Friday. The following day we will be in Harrisburg Virginia for Event number Thirty-Nine. From now until December 20, when we host the National Christmas Communion, we will be traveling throughout the North Eastern States.

SPECIAL REQUEST: Please write the White House or send an e-mail to President Bush, asking for him to recognize the SEAL America Campaign by issuing a Presidential Proclaimation, naming third Saturday of December as a day of National Communion and Unity.

President George W. Bush

The White House

1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW

Washington, DC 20500

Friday, September 19, 2008

SEAL America -- Day 259

Rochester, Minnesota
City Hall Communion Event

An official from the Rochester, Minnesota, Parks and Recreation Department invited SEAL America to conduct a special communion service at City Hall. We were accompanied by Pastor David Hunt, Kathy Hunt, and others.

SEAL America is approaching week thirty-eight, and we're going strong. Springfield, Illinois is next. After event thirty-eight, I will preach in Chicago, appear on the Harvest Show in, Indiana, and minister in Michigan -- enroute to Maryland. In Baltimore we will have a Washington DC Steering Committee luncheon, where we will be accompanied by Mrs Huggins, Reverend Doyle Tucker, and Apostle Paul Sherrell.

Keep SEAL America in your prayers. This is an important phase of our campaign to SEAL God's blessings on America.

Be sure and join us every Saturday night, at 7:00 PM (CST) for THE NEW MOVE -- LIVE!
You can also watch from our SEAL America TV Blog:

SEAL America -- Day 259

SEAL America -- Week Thirty-Seven
Desmoines, Iowa

It was an honor to stand upon the steps of the Iowa State Capitol in Desmonies. We were honored to be joined by Dr. James D. Brown, H.D.M. -- President/CEO of Kingsway Christian College & Theological Seminary (where I received my doctorate).

The prayers and declarations that were made upon the steps of the Iowa Capitol were powerful, and we are persuaded that the impact of this event will affect the spiritual climate of Iowa, perpetually.

SEAL America will be lifting the Cup of Blessings above the Capitol of Springfield, IL, this Saturday. Please keep us in your prayer, and we encourage you to invest in the blessing (see donation link in sidebar).

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

SEAL America -- Day 254

SEAL America -Week Thirty-Six

Dateline, St. Paul, Minnesota: Minnesota Christians welcomed SEAL America to their Capitol, last saturday. Several groups had joined for thirty days of around-the-clock prayer and fasting prior to the Republican Convention. Then Afterwards, the Holy Spirit impressed upon them that they needed to "seal" what they had accomplised. They weren't sure what that meant until they discovered the SEAL America Campaign was coming to their Capitol on the day following the Rebublican National Convention, to "seal" the blessings of God upon Minnesota!

Enthusiastic Crowd: Our Minnesota constituents were joined by believers from Michigan and Wisconsin. Pastor Tom and Paula Rouse brought their praise team form the Lighthouse Family Church, in Ironwood, MI.

Florida Minisitry Event: After the St Paul Communion Service, I flew to Pensocala to minister for Dr. and Mrs Christian Harfouche. It was a life-changing, history-making service.

SEAL America TV: Watch THE NEW MOVE, Saturdays, 7:00 PM (CST):

  • Interactive TV
  • Q & A (get on-the-air responses)
  • SEAL America Reports
  • Campaign Clips
Help us build our audience: Send the SEAL America link to all your contacts. This is their opportunity (and your opportunity) to influence the content of THE NEW MOVE, by asking on-the-air questions, via chat.

Do you want to help? Hit the Donate Button now (see sidebar).

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Sarah Palin

Congratulations Sarah Palin

We are praying for you and your family. Thank you for helping us SEAL America's blessings.

Ambassador Huggins
& Seal America Partners

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