Congradulations & Blessings
Jeremy and Crystal were married in Hawaii, May 29, 2008, in a beautiful beach ceremony, solemnized by Dr. Karl Barancik, and witnessed by family and friends from the Mainland. After their vows were spoken, they entered into a salt covenant, and shared Holy Communion. It was a beautiful and memorable event, made more special because of the setting.
Jeremy and Crystal are returning to Michigan, settling in their new apartment, and resuming their duties at their church.
Two days later -- Saturday, May 31 -- Jeremy and Crystal, with their parents and friends, participated in Sealing the Hawaiian State Capitol.
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Barancik Wedding
Blessings Follow SEAL America
North Carolina Heavens Opened
"Dear Ambassador Huggins, I personally want to thank you for coming to Raleigh, NC on Feb. 23, 2008 to seal our courthouse [Statehouse], and this state with the blood of Jesus Christ. As we were finishing our prayer time, and sharing our hearts, you asked if we wanted you to pray for rain to return to our excessive drought stricten state. We answered yes! Well, praise the Lord Jesus Christ, we have had weekly rain ever since you prayed! Our lakes are full, some even above full pool! Now, everytime it rains it is a reminder to us of that monumental day. We are blessed because of your obedience, and consider it an honor to be part of Seal America. May God continue to pour out his blessings and provisions as you continue across the country. See you in Washington, DC."
In the Love of Christ,
Jesse and Lynn McCorvey, Franklinton, NC
Austin, Texas, Testimony
"It was great to see God's children come together in public to seal and dedicate the government to God. I believe a work was started that will cause the policies and decisions that come out of Austin Texas to facilitate the will of God in the earth."
Brian and Holly Rivers, Austin, Texas
California Testimony
Forwarded by Rev. Tom Terry
"Larry is with us now. We are going to Sacramento tomarrow. He has been having meetings at the church since Wed. They have been great. Yes we have seen a greater presence and manifestation of God in our services even before Larry came. WOW it's here, what we have been praying for and believing God for all these years. PRAISE GOD!!"
Karan Pursell
(Karan and Pastor John Pursell pastor the Believer's Church in Madera, California)
Florida Testimony
Forwarded from Rev. Tom Terry:
"Please can you give us a list of the States that Larry has been too, I was just in Florida and ministered to the youth and men we had an awesome outpouring with miracles and baptisms in the Holy Spirit..."
Rev. Rich Hartman
Thursday, May 29, 2008
SEAL America -- Day 151
Honolulu TV Interview
Today, Rabbi Daniel Vargas, a Spirit-filled believer, and the founder of the Beth Israel Jewish Ministries, invited me to share with his TV Audience. Rabbi Vargas, and other Hawaiian Pastors and believers, will be standing with us as we lift the Cup of Blessing above the Hawaiian Capitol, Saturday, May 31.
The picture below was taken outside the building where Rabbi Vargas' offices are located, and where the offices and studies of KWHE, LeSEA Broadcasting are located. The Ends of the Earth Prayer Tower is on the top floor of the same building.
Ends of the Earth Prayer Tower
Rabbi Vargas is launching the Ends of the Earth Prayer Tower, June 27, 2008. It is connected with the Jerusalem Prayer Tower in Israel. He calls it The Ends of the Earth Prayer Tower because the Gospel is to be preached "to the ends of the earth." The Hawaiian Prayer Tower is 12,000 miles from the Jerusalem Prayer Tower, in either direction, East or West.
For more information about the Ends of the Earth Prayer Tower, contact:
SEAL America, Hawaii Communion-event
You still have time to contact your friends in Hawaii and invite them to attend the historic Hawaiian Capitol Communion Service,11:23 a.m., Saturday, May 31, at the Hawaiian State Capitol. 1-888-NEW-MOVE
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
SEAL America -- Day 150
The Hawaiian Capitol
I arrived in Honolulu, yesterday, and I was welcomed to the city by Rabbi Daniel Vargas. He generously offered me the use of his offices during my stay in Hawaii. Also, I was welcomed by LeSEA broadcasting. They are running twenty SEAL America Spots for us. I was able to confer with Peter Sumrall, the Principal of LeSEA Broadcasting, who stopped over in Hawaii on his way to Guam and the Far East. Radio Station KLHT is running spots for SEAL America, too.
A special blessing: The Barancik family and friends -- from Fenton, Michigan -- are in Hawaii for the wedding of their son, Jeremy. I will participate in the Barancik wedding, tomorrow. Then the wedding party of twenty will participate in sealing the Hawaiin State on Saturday.
If you have friends in Hawaii, contact them ASAP, and urge them to help us seal the Capitol of their State:
Rabbi Vargas showing me his new Prayer Tower
Testimony -- Church Growth Follows SEAL America
Church Growth 30-40% Following SEAL America!
Praise the Lord, I will testify that since January 2008 we have held communion each Saturday at 11:23 Am along with Seal America and have seen a 30-40% increase in Sunday morning attendance, we had many salvations, 6 people filled with the Holy Spirit last Sunday and numerous healings and even one report of a person whose heart stopped brought back by prayer.
Pastor Tom Rouse -- Lighthouse Family Church, Ironwood Michigan.
Testimony -- Revival Follows SEAL America
Greater Outpouring Testimony -- Pastor Tom Terry
"...I wanted to take a moment to ask all [of] you Ministers if any of you have had a greater amount of outpouring of the Spirit and revival in the recent months. It seems to be breaking out everywhere -- especially in the states where Larry Huggins has been to the state capital to take communion and seal the seal. I would like to know track your responces. Revival is in the air!"
God bless,
Tom and Stella Terry
Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin
Testimony: Louisiana Senate Chaplain
Submitted by Rev. Michael Mann, Chaplain, Louisiana Senate
"How I wish I had known about this when you were in LA. I serve as a chaplain to the State Senate when they are in session & would have been able to see you! Knowing you were there is one more confirmation of something I have sensed in my spirit especially in since the beginning of this regular session. I'll explain: This session marks the 5th session overall (3 special & 2 regular) that we have served over the past 1 1/2 yrs. There are too many details to try to remember but the essence is that the Body of Christ's response to Katrina & Rita gave us (PRC Compassion) so much credibility with the state that when the Lord gave the idea to offer to serve the Senate the doors flew open and have continued to open wider with each session. This session, however, something different is evident. I don't really how to "explain" what I sense but there is a tidal shift in the Spirit. It has nothing to do with who is in the governor's office or the new legislators. They are evidence of the tidal shift... Heaven only knows" where this will end up or what God has in mind...we will simply walk it out."
Rev. Michael Mann -- Chaplain, Louisiana Senate
Monday, May 19, 2008
Saturday, May 17, 2008
SEAL America -- Day 139
SEAL America -- Week Twenty
"We wrestle not with flesh and blood..."
Today (at last) the State Capitol of Arizona was sealed by the Blood of Jesus. This was the most difficult of all the events, thus far. The State of Arizona imposed more requirements than the other states, and they were the least accomodating. However, we complied with all their requests. Consequently, the attendance was light; but that didn't prevent us from sealing the capitol with the blood of the Lamb.
Thanks you to all our partners who stood with us, by having communion at home and at church. This year we are covering the USA with the blood of Jesus from sea to shining sea.
Sacramento, California is next. Sacraments in Spanish means the sacraments.We anticipate a great event. Many California Christians have indicated they will be coming to help us SEAL California. There are controversial legislative currents swirling about California. Of course, at the heart, these are spiritual issues. In this time of uncertainty, we can be certain of one thing: Every promise of God has been ratified by the Blood of His Son, Jesus.
Be sue and contact everyone you can about the California event. We have it on good authority that the event will be covered by the press, and we want to have a good showing.
SEAL America -- Week Twenty
Senic Views from the Road
We live in a beautiful country. Sealing the USA from sea to shining sea is a noble assignment. I'm honored that the Lord called me to do this. Here are senic photographs I took along the way: Nevada, California and Arizona
I am traveling alone -- Jereemy is getting married in Hawaii, in a couple of weeks. He played an important role during the start up phase of SEAL America.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
SEAL America -- Day 131
SEAL America -- Week Nineteen
Carson City, Nevada
A dedicated group of believers lifted the Cup of Blessings above the Nevada State Capitol, in Carson City, Nevada, last Saturday.
In this time of uncertainty, one thing is certain: The promises of God are radified by nothing less than the Blood of the Lamb. What happens at the State House, impacts your house.
The next event will be Phoenix, Arizona. Please contact your friends. Remember, the time is 11:23 a.m. (local time).
Monday, May 5, 2008
SEAL America -- Day 125
Santa Fe, New Mexico SEALED!
Fifteen years ago, I was preaching in a church in Alamagordo, New Mexico. The Pastor began telling me of his struggles. He sensed spiritual oppression over New Mexico, and he thought it was caused by "drugs, witchcraft, New Age and Native American religions..."
That was disheartening. However, I had an inspired idea: "I know what we can do to reverse the curse, and to bless New Mexico. Let's go to the State Capitol in Santa Fe and have communion."
That's what we did. We gathered a small group of friends and drove to Santa Fe. With people walking around us, on a busy work-day at the Capitol, we stood upon the state seal, and had communion, and prayed, and praised the Lord. We declared that New Mexico is blessed by the Blood of Jesus. It was powerful!
For more than a decade that spontaneous act of obedience, as a seed, lay dorment within me -- until late last year. My wife and I were on a cross-country ministry tour, and as usual we were passing out time praying and discussing God's word. Loretta shared a thought with me concerning the Blood of Jesus. That reminded me of my experience in New Mexico. As we talked about my communion service at the Santa Fe Capitol, the Holy Spirit fell upon us, and we looked at one another and asked, "Are you hearing what I'm hearing? "
Yes, that's when the Holy Spirit gave us the assignment for SEAL America -- National Communion 2008. We agreed, "We have to take the Blood of Jesus to every State Capitol in the USA, in 2008." A few months later, January 5, 2008, we launched the SEAL America Campaign -- National Communion 2008, in Madison Wisconsin.
Since then, we have SEALED eighteen State Capitols. Our Campaign has been assisted by Joyce and Dave Meyer, Kenneth Copeland, Dennis Burke, Rodney Howard-Browne, Mark Barclay, and many others. The campaign has been announced by more than half a dozenTV networks, more than a dozen Radio Networks, and two Christian Magazines. We expect to reach a watershed by the time we arrive in Sacramento (the Sacrament), California.
Radio Interview - Life 102.5
I met Ambassador Larry Huggins at special Church services at Spirit of Faith Church, in Madison in 2007. His knowledge of the Bible and the way he communicates the scriptures is powerful indeed! I was impressed that the Seal America campaign began on the steps of Wisconsin’s State Capitol, back in January of this year (2008). I encourage everyone with a heart for prayer to support Larry Huggins in this exciting ministry that's covering the United States of America in 2008. You will be blessed as you lift Seal America in prayer, and also with your financial support.
In Christ’s service - Mike Powers
SEAL America update with Radio host, Mike Powers, LIFE 102.5, Madison Wisconsin, May 3, 2008. Click player below:
MP3 File
You can listen to Mike live on Life 102.5 at and click the “LISTEN ONLINE FM” button between 2:00 and 7:00 PM, Monday - Friday (Central Time). Listen to Ambassador Huggins' Radio Interview
SEAL America -- Day 118
SEAL America -- Week Seventeen
Friends and supporters drove to Oklahoma City to participate in the SEAL America Campaign, to celebrate National Communion, to lay hands upon the Oklahoma State House, and to pray for our government. We recognized that a significant change took place in the spirit around and above the Oklahoma State House, because of the application of the indelible Blood of Jesus. We anticipate a great spiritual awakening in Oklahoma, and to the states connected to, and affected by Oklahoma.
My publisher, Keith Provance, President of Harrison House Publishers shared a vision he received during communion. He say legislators calling for prayer and the Lord's guidance during law making sessions, and he saw the law makers worshipping God in the their chambers. That day is eminent!
Our diplomats of faith at the Oklahoma Communion Service represented the states of Arkansas, California, Illinois, North Carolina, New York, New Jersey, Oklahoma, Texas, Michigan and Wisconsin. Of special note:
My wife, Loretta, drove from Tulsa (this was the only fourth time we have been together this year).
- Katie Curtsinger flew in from Tennessee to sing for the event. She is an anointed psalmist.
- Our Assistant campaign Manager, Daniel Rouse, drove from Broken arrow and brought friends: Lily, Joyce, Raul, John, and Craig.
- Stan and Jon Tucker, Seal America Rainmakers, and owners of a communion-juice company, brought their families from Tulsa.
- My publisher, Keith Provance of Harrison House Publishers brought his son Jake from Tulsa.
- Terrel Brashear, my friend of thirty-six years, drove up from Arkansas. He is having SEAL America communion services with his friends and family in Arkansas, every Saturday morning.
Eighteen States SEALED! (Thirty-three capitols remaining)
This month’s events:
Carson City, Nevada - 05/10 Phoenix, Arizona - 05/17
Sacramento, California - 05/24
Honolulu, Hawaii -- 05/
The SEAL America Campaign -- National Communion 2008 is for all Americans -- it's for you. Please do your part by praying for the events, to spreading the word, and underwriting the budget with your financial support. Become a partner, today.
If you desire to do more, you can become a Rainmaker. Call 1-888-NEW-MOVE.